
[Video] Thermal Analysis of Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger

7 0 Expert
This video (Link shown below) Briefs shell and tube type heat exchanger introduction, construction, workflow, etc. It explains shell side and tube side of heat exchanger. It also explains how to apply thermal loading on shell side and tube side, how to consider perfectly insulated condition, how to applied air convection for outer saddle bodies in ansys workbench. It shows how to achieve thermal gradient and match with the applied loading conditions.

Solidworks simulation | Structural analysis with shell element

0 0 Intermediate
Learn to perform shell analysis of a structure using solidworks simulation. In SolidWorks Simulation 2015, you can also manage all the shells at a single place by using the Shell Manager. Shells are generally used to represent parts that have very low thickness like sheetmetal parts. The advantage of using shells lies in element type used for them during meshing. For solid objects 3D elements are used but for shells 2D elements like linear triangular and parabolic triangular elements are used. The analysis performed using 2D elements is faster.

Salome and SesamX finite element shell tutorial

0 0 Beginner
Learn how to use Salome and SesamX to build a shell finite element model and visualize the results.