
Using Design Tables to Create Cut Lists in BOM

4 1 Intermediate
Creating a smarter parts with configuration properties and design tables also the dimensions to be listed in a Bill of Materials. This can be used for cut lists, material ordering etc. Parts Found at: https://grabcad.com/library/cabinet-for-tutorial-1

solidworks BOM

0 0 Intermediate
Calculation of material requirements for disolidworks

Insert Bill of Material into a Drawing in Solidworks| Custom Properties with Bill of Material | SW BOM

0 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial, we will learn how to insert Bill of Materials (BOM) into a drawing in Solidworks. I am using an example of a piston assembly consisting of four parts. For the sake of simplicity I am only using four parts. These four parts are: a) Connecting Rod b) Crankshaft c) Gudgeon Pin d) Piston In the first part, we will generate BOM and in the 2nd part we will link our parts with BOM using custom properties. The advantage of using this in BOM is, it is parametric. If I change a material of say gudgeon pin, the material in BOM will also change. I have shown this in the last part of the video. I have also covered how to apply balloon in solidworks drawing. How to edit drawing title etc. and much more. #billofmaterialsolidworks #creatinglinkbetweenpartanddrawingsolidworks #solidworkscustomproperties #CADable #solidworksbillofmaterialtutorial For Files: https://grabcad.com/library/automobile-engine-7 Kindly Subscribe our Channel for more Videos and Projects in SOLIDWORKS, Keyshot, AutoCAD etc.