
Tutorial Camera Mold in PowerShape

19 2 Intermediate
Tutorial Camera Injection Mold in PowerShape from Autodesk; Available to download in https://grabcad.com/library/camera-mold-sergio-cad-cam-1 #tutorial #injection #mold #mould #powershape #surface


17 0 Intermediate
TUTORIAL SOAP BOX INJECTION MOLD IN POWERSHAPE; Available to Download in Grabcad: https://grabcad.com/library/soap-box-mold-sergio-cad-cam-1 credits to: https://grabcad.com/library/soapbox-7 by https://grabcad.com/v.rajesh-1 #TUTORIAL #MOLD #MOULD #POWERSHAPE #STEPS

Tutorial: how to model revolving surfaces without degenerated point

12 2 Intermediate
This tutorial shows how to reconstruct a portion of a revolving surface, in order to remove the degenerated point

Filling basic 6-sided holes in Rhino

8 1 Beginner
This tutorial shows how to fill a 6-sided hole surrounded by simple planar surface transitions in Rhino.

Video Tutorials from Rhino 3D Tutorials

8 0 Beginner
A series of little tutorials made available on my Youtube channel. For more detailed Rhino 3D tutorials here's the link https://rhino-3d-classes-from-beginner-to-advanced-lev.teachable.com/

Make a Ring With Text in Rhino

7 1 Expert
Make a ring with a text

Mastercam 2021 (CAD+CAM)

6 2 Intermediate
Mastercam 2021 3D Modeling tutorial

GIF : Guide to How to make Simple Single Collet ( Emerald Ring )

5 0 Intermediate

The Length And Width Of A Ring .

4 0 Expert
How to measure the length and width of a ring . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zKmm4ZYi10

Introduction to Pave setting, and its basic knowledge.

4 0 Expert
What a Pave Setting Is The pavé setting, pronounced “pa-vay,” comes from the French word “to pave,” as in paved with diamonds. By closely setting small diamonds together with minimal visibility of the tiny metal beads or prongs holding the stones in place, the effect is one of continuous sparkle.

How to model the StMary30st in Rhinoceros3D and show design intent.

4 1 Beginner
Here my explanation on how to do

starlord Tutorial - image Pixel [ sampler ] with Rhino + Grasshopper

4 0 Intermediate
éste es un Tutorial para convertir una imagen en geometrías tipo Pixel this is a Tutorial to convert an image into Pixel geometries Regards! subscribe! MATGICAL@blogspot.com f DigitalMagical magicaldigital Ig

How do i add thickness to a polyline in Rhinoceros 3D

3 2 Intermediate
hi https://grabcad.com/mark.goody-2, following picture can guide you to add thickness to any curves by adding few simple steps while modelling.

Proper Method to Produce Lobster-back Duct Bends

3 1 Beginner
One type of industrial component I have been involved with the design and manufacture of is lobster-back bends. This type of duct bend is made up of segments cut from flat sheets or plates, rolled into cylindrical parts, then assembled. These can be light sheet-metal or manufactured from thick plate. This quick tutorial is a supplement to the one I produced an outline of a method I have used modeling this type of component using Alibre Design. As this supplement concerns producing parts ready for manufacture and applies to whatever software you have used, that is not important as this short tutorial is to outline turning your modeled bend into the flat profile ready to be made into the completed bend. In this modern world, the bend parts will be cut out using CNC laser, or CNC Plasma cutting machines. Sometimes we produce the nc programs ourselves or we are required to produce the correct files for the laser / plasma department to program and cut out. Making the program to cut out the parts starts normally from a 2D dxf file at a scale of 1 : 1. This is the first part of the process that has to be correct. If you produce this dxf incorrectly the finished parts will be useless. Producing this at the right scale, 1 : 1 is different with different 3D cad applications, other problems can be caused by you working in different drawing units. If you are not doing the program, talk to the person who is to make sure you produce the dxf as required. Having a large quantity of wrongly cut parts is not a good thing