
Flexure Stress: Manual vs CAD Simulation

12 12 Intermediate
Flexure Stress in a Function Defined Cross-section Cantilever Manual Calculations vs. Simulation in SolidWorks

Cross & Dot Product Validated in 3D CAD

39 12 Beginner
Steps in Validating M = r X F and Maxis = U ●{​r X F}​ using 3D CAD (SolidWorks) Using problem 3-43 and 3-44 from Hibbeler Statics & Mechanics of Materials 5th Edition.

Area Moment of Inertia: Manual Calculation vs CAD

8 9 Beginner
Area Moment of Inertia: Manual Calculations Validated in CAD (SolidWorks)

Designing a Hirth Spline

24 8 Beginner
Solidworks + Excel instruction on how to design a Hirth Spline. Background on Hirth Splines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirth_joint The basic idea of a Hirth spline / Hirth Joint is that the whole geometry is defined from a combination of a single reference point and a grinding/cutting geometry. Two Hirth splines with the same basic tooth geometry will match to form a secure joint that can transfer torque and allows for accurate alignment of parts. Hirth splines and joints are often used in turbomachinery to accurately align various shaft parts and transfer torque.

Axle Load in a Railway.

3 5 Beginner
General considerations about axle load in a railway and its importance in the design. Axle load is the weight on the two wheels joined by an axle. (static vertical load per axle); It is, basically, the total weight bearing on the track. If you have two wheels attached to an axle, with an AXLE LOAD P =225 kN, you have a load in each wheel of Q = P/2

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 2

6 5 Expert
Otra arista compleja y polémica de la creatividad es su evaluación. Existen muchas propuestas plasmadas en test que intentan medir la creatividad, pero muchos expertos afirman que será difícil tener un acuerdo sobre la medición de un concepto que aún no está bien definido. De todas formas, y hasta que ese momento llegue, implementamos en el aula de una asignatura de ingeniería mecánica un test sencillo que trata de rescatar el espíritu del mejor método actual de evaluación creativa "la Técnica de Evaluación Consensuada (propuesta por Teresa de Amabile en 1982)" y adaptarlo para su uso regular en la enseñanza del diseño mecánico.

Máquinas y Resistencia de Materiales - Parte 01

2 5 Beginner
Algunas dificultades típicas que se presentan al estudiar los modelos de cálculo propios de los elementos de máquinas, y un importante primer paso para comprenderlos a todos: los modelos de Resistencia de Materiales (a su vez, relacionados con la Teoría de la Elasticidad Lineal).

Involute profile in splines (2)

7 5 Beginner
This is a continuation of the previous tutorial https://grabcad.com/tutorials/involute-profile-in-splines-1

How to 3D Print Jigs & Fixtures, Part 3: Advanced Features and Advanced Materials

15 4 Expert
Building on parts 1 and 2 of the series, this tutorial takes you through an ENTIRE agile design cycle for a real fixture we needed in our office, exploring the use of DFAM, advanced infill techniques to save printing time and finishing by going through a material selection process to print in one of the stiffest materials out there- Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber! It's a total, soup-to-nuts, fixtures tutorial!

Conceptual Design of Dovetail Joint

8 4 Beginner
Some solutions to the challenge posed by https://grabcad.com/steen.winther are presented: impossible dovetail joint? Each one starts their attempt from a particular situation, which can lead them to first find a solution (such as the rectilinear one) and later others (such as the circular ones). What this tutorial intends is to show the style of conceptual thinking that allows "discovering the rules behind particular cases" to conclude that all possible solutions actually derive from "the same idea". Note: this type of challenge is useful for those who do not know the solution or other similar cases. The idea is to force the process of generating and evaluating ideas. Once you know the case, the opportunity to discover solutions is lost!

Máquinas y Resistencia de Materiales - Parte 02

1 3 Beginner
Continuando con la charla previa... y tratando de comprender claramente los tres resultados que originan la teoría de Resistencia de Materiales (uno puramente teórico y dos derivados de ensayos físicos).

Free Internship for Mechanical Engineers

8 3 Beginner
Dear mechanical engineers, Greetings! Sub: Free Internship for Mechanical Engineers. If you are a fresher and looking out for jobs, this online internship course is a must. Prefinal and Final year mechanical engineering students interested in internships, this course is also for you. You need to study the videos, prepare an internship report, and submit it to us. We will check your report and approve it. Once the report is approved, you will get a soft copy of the certificate.

Mechanics Basics Part 2

8 3 Beginner
In this tutorial we will look at the concept of STRESS in an engineering concept. Stress is the mechanics relationship that defines the load we place on a part, and the ability of the material it is made from, to resist this load that has been applied to it. The actual strength of a material is a physical property of the material and as the mechanical parts that we design come in all shapes and sizes, we require value, that relates our load back to the physical properties of the material we want to make our part from As usual, due to the format of the GrabCad tutorial module the pdf version of this tutorial can't be easily attached to this tutorial. The pdf version can be downloaded from this token model I have placed on GrabCad, Mechanics Basics Part 2.pdf can be downloaded here : https://grabcad.com/library/basic-mechanics-tutorial-holding-model-1 Follow this link to download pdf versions of basic mechanics tutorials

UG nx mould design nx 10

2 3 Beginner
Injection mould design with UG nx 10

Máquinas y Resistencia de Materiales - Parte 03

1 3 Beginner
Para terminar queda el paso más importante: comprender el algoritmo del cual derivan los distintos casos que presenta la teoría de la RM, cuyas formas pueden resultar muy distintas a primera vista, pero que siempre se originan en tres tipos de resultados, de los cuales solo uno de ellos (los ensayos geométricos) son específicos para el caso en cuestión (tracción/compresión, flexión, corte, torsión, etc.).