
my 1 work

6 0 Beginner
autocad file

How to import a model from solidworks to autcad and do drafting

5 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial, we are going to explain how to import apart from solid works to AutoCAD and also in which file extension to be saved. https://youtu.be/fibTIQuF39o

How to create animated GIF file for your projects - online converter

4 1 Intermediate
A few steps for your animated GIF file for GrabCAD projects

(VIDEO) Export SolidWorks File to Sketchup (English)

4 0 Intermediate
================= ================= DO NOT CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/projetos_infinity ================= ================= Export SolidWorks File to Sketchup (English) Exporting and Importing from Solidworks to Sketchup In this tutorial I explain how to export from sketchup to solidworks, and give tips on how to use solidworks power surfacing tools, and teach you how to paint stl files. join our youtube community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF2k47g7uAo0lM-kA13V6jQ?sub_confirmation=1 see how I exported this sketchup human to solidworks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPsQDriOrIA Here's how to take a solidworks whatsapp course with me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQgoTn96wAw&t=174s

tutorial : how to open solidworks file in autocad?

4 0 Intermediate
open solidworks file in autocad

How to switch on display tab and file tab in Autocad

1 0 Beginner
How to switch on display tab and file tab in Autocad

How do I upload a file or model?

0 0 Beginner
Here is a tutorial to upload a file or model.

how to execute "script" file in AutoCAD ?

0 0 Intermediate

how to execute "script" file in AutoCAD ?

0 0 Intermediate
As a example file

2D Motion of a Car in Autocad.

0 0 Expert
Hello Friends, In this video you will get to know how we can use the move script command in Autocad to show the car in motion. I bet many of You who are using Autocad do not know about this script command. Let me know in the comments section if you know this. A Sub if you loved it and Like if you liked it. Do not forget to show your love by sharing this video as much as possible. You can find Installation, Designing and Motion videos on my channel here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYCFc22zvuY5KgQx97EwmEg/playlists?view_as=subscriber Thanks.

how to convert dwg file into pdf in AutoCAD|how to take print in AutoCAD| |AutoCAD tutorial in hindi

0 0 Beginner
In this video you learn about how to convert DWG file into Pdf File in AutoCAD Software And we also learn page setup manager Setting in AutoCAD Software How to take printout of AutoCAD Drawing file in the AutoCAD Software. #CADGALAXY #AutoCAD #AutoCAD_Tutorial_in_hindi _____________________ Social media Links Facebook page. https://m.facebook.com/cadgalaxyy/?ref=bookmarks Instagram follow https://www.instagram.com/cadgalaxyy/ Grabcad follow https://grabcad.com/chetan.gole-3

how to execute "script" file in AutoCAD ?

0 0 Intermediate
For more Auto-cad related solutions

Tutorial - Using XchangeWorks?

0 0 Beginner
XchangeWorks is utility that can be used to import different CAD file types into AutoCAD. If you have SolidWorks than it is get's integrated with AutoCAD. I have tried AutoCAD 2004.