
Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 8: Labels

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 8 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will address another powerful and useful tool that we have in Keyshot. And that is adding labels to materials. What labels basically are, is the stacking of one material on top of another material. In that way we can for example make decals like logo’s, and put this on top of an existing material. In this chapter I will demonstrate to you exactly how you can do that in Keyshot. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 10: Environments

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 10 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will be talking about the environment. The environment basically consists out of your lighting dome and your ground plane. I will show you how you can: 1. Change you lighting environments using the presets in the library. 2. How you can change the environments general settings. 3. How to change the specific background settings. 4. How you can create pins to customize you lighting environment towards your liking. ▬▬▬▬▬

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 2: What is Keyshot?

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: Chapter 2 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, addresses what Keyshot is, why you should use it, and it gives a general explanation of what ray tracing is. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 3: User Interface

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 3 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, we jump into Keyshot to have a look at the complete default User Interface. I will be taking you through the default workspace, going through each interface menu and window, and quickly explaining you what you can find in all of those different menus and windows. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 5: The Scene

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 5 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, we will be starting with the actual drone project. In this chapter specifically, I’ll be addressing the first tab from the project window. Which is the Scene tab. In the Scene tab you can find all the information about all your objects in your scene, and you can do all the organizing of your project in this tab. So, I will be importing the drone model that we will work on for the rest of the course, and I will show you how to properly position the model and how you could organize the scene. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 14 - Bonus 1: Create a Water Puddle Effect

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Bonus 1 for the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will demonstrate how you can quickly create a water puddle effect in Keyshot. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 9: Camera

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 9 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I am going to demonstrate how you can set up your camera. I am going to show you how you can: 1. Create a new camera 2. How you can position it 3. How you can set its focal length 4. How you can add Depth Of Field (DOF) ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 11: Lighting Settings

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 11 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will be talking about the different render presets we have in Keyshot and the individual render settings that we can change. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 12: Image Tab

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 12 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will be showing all the features in the image tab of the project window. In this tab we can change our viewport resolution, but we can also change all kinds of post processing elements for our image. So we can give the image our own personal little image style. These are elements like color adjustments, vignette or chromatic aberration. But also, very powerful tools like denoising. I will show you the basic image style option as well as the photographic image style option that Keyshot provides. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 13: Rendering

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: To render our image is the penultimate aspect for each project in Keyshot. It is the final thing we are working towards. How we can set all the output settings and options for our render, and how we can perform the render in Keyshot, is what I will be showing here in chapter 13 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 14 - Bonus 3: Creating a Custom Ambient Occlusion Pass

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Bonus 3 for the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will demonstrate how you can create your own custom Ambient Occlusion (AO) pass in Keyshot. Ambient occlusion will add some extra depth to your render, by creating additional contact shadows and small detail shadows, that you can add to your render during the post processing. The method I will show you will provide you a lot more flexibility in creating an AO pass than choosing the standard render pass option in Keyshot’s render window. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 14 - Bonus 4: Creating Custom Masks

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Bonus 4 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will demonstrate how you can create your own custom mask renders in Keyshot. Keyshot does provide the option to generate a clown pass to select different objects in the render in post-production, based on color selection. But a dedicated custom black and white mask provides more accuracy, and is easily applied as a mask channel in Photoshop, or any other post processing software. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – 1: Course Content

0 0 Beginner
► EXCERPT: In this beginner’s course for Keyshot, all the things will be taught that are required to produce your own amazing product visualization of your 3D CAD model in Keyshot. In the project phase of the course, you will be taught how to replicate the following image of a drone: https://aero-3dstudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Drone-water-Edit-scaled.jpg This will include demonstrating all the basics of Keyshot, and also some more advanced bonus techniques. The following topics will be taught in this course: 1. What ray tracing is 2. A complete overview of the default Keyshot User interface 3. How to properly prepare your model for import to Keyshot, and how to import your model. 4. Setting up your project scene with the model. 5. Assigning materials 6. Applying textures 7. Applying labels 8. Positioning your camera 9. Setting up your lighting environment 10. Lighting settings 11. Applying image styles 12. Creating your render 13. And off course making the final edit of your render in Photoshop ▬▬▬▬▬ And besides that, the following bonus items will be demonstrated: 1. How to make a water puddle effect in Keyshot 2. Fake water droplets on your model 3. Creating a custom ambient occlusion pass 4. And creating custom masks in Keyshot ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 6: Materials

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 6 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will be addressing the topic of materials in Keyshot. I will show you: 1. The different methods to apply materials to a model. 2. How you can change the material properties. 3. I will show you the complete materialization of the drone model, and all the different little workflow techniques you can use to do that in Keyshot. 4. Give you a quick glance of the potential and power of the Keyshot Cloud library. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com

Keyshot for Beginners – Chapter 7: Textures

0 0 Beginner
► CHAPTER DESCRIPTION: In Chapter 7 of the beginner’s course for Keyshot, I will address textures in Keyshot. In the previous chapter we completely materialized the drone model. Now the next step is to apply textures to those materials that require it. Applying textures will greatly enrich the materials, and therefore the look of our final render in the end. So, I am going to show you how you can: 1. Apply textures. 2. Properly size and position them. 3. Make a complete material from scratch, using a texture set that you can download from the internet. ▬▬▬▬▬ ► SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Thank you for watching my tutorial. If you would like to support me so I can make more tutorials like this for you, you can do so through any of the options down below: 👉 Subscribe and support the channel: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-youtube 👉 Support through Patreon: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-patreon 👉 Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-buymeacoffee 👉 Purchase the Course video's for offline viewing and/or the Project files to be able to work along with the course video's: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-gumroad ▬▬▬▬▬ ► GET IN TOUCH: Find my website & portfolio at: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/aero3dstudios-instagram ✉ If you would like personal tutoring classes, if you have business inquiries or just general inquiries, you can get in touch with me through: info@aero-3dstudios.com