
Tutorial for Designing Engine case

251 47 Expert
This tutorial contains step by step procedure to create engine case using any software, this model especially created using CREO parametric Click here for my other files https://grabcad.com/tutorials/boolean-operations-powercopy-in-catia

3D Printing Design Guidelines

205 16 Beginner
3D Printing Design Guidelines ~ 9 Steps to consider while design for 3d Printing.

How do I convert STL graphics to a solid model?

139 31 Beginner
This tutorial will teach you how to convert STL graphics to a solid model in SOLIDWORKS. Try it. It worked for me!

New approach in designing and modelling an Oil pump using Inventor 2016

113 13 Intermediate
Step by step tutorial videos, showing the easy way of modelling an Oil pump using Inventor 2016, how to create the parts, assemble them and drive gears, new approach make use of most Inventor specs, design center with some new tips & tricks ...

[VIDEO]Exploded Views Description(Arabic Tutorial)

95 13 Expert
Hello Everybody and Welcome In This Video Tutorial I'll give an Intro. about Exploded Views Also Explain How to Make an Exploded View Using SOLIDWORKS Also Export it into a Drawing and Make Bill of Material Table . I Hope You Enjoy Watching my Tutorial. if you Learned Something New Please Like and Subscribe For more Useful Videos

How to design Complete Drone Overview

88 8 Intermediate
Complete Drone design with 1. raspberry pi 4 extension 2. pixhawk 3. landing gears 4. drone frame 5. telemetry module 6. gps module with stand 7. Battery 3300 mAh 8. antivibrator 9. Brushless Motor (BR4114) Please give it a like.

How to convert STL to STEP using FreeCAD

86 23 Beginner
This tutorial covers how to convert an STL to a STEP using FreeCAD. Note: Since STLs are meshes, the resulting model won't be as precise as parts originally made as solids. FreeCAD can export: - Step - Iges - Scad - Dxf - Dwg - Obj - Pdf And many others…

How to Raise Your GrabCAD Score

82 31 Beginner
Your score on GrabCAD is not terribly important, but it is nice to have a better score, and not be "ranked" dead last on a site with four million users. What can you do to increase your score?

Tutorial: How to model involute gears in SolidWorks and show design intent.

81 23 Beginner
The model from this tutorial is found here: http://grabcad.com/library/involute-gear-design-from-scratch-1

Tutorial how to make engine part 1

80 4 Beginner
Connecting Rod file: http://grabcad.com/library/connecting-rod--15

[VIDEO] SOLIDWORKS Visualize 2019 Tutorial - Lamborghini Aventador LP700 Backlights Animation as Realistic

79 13 Expert
Hello Everybody and Welcome .. In This SOLIDWORKS Visulaize Tutorial .. I'll Make A Rendered Animation of This Lamborghini's Aventador's Car BackLights Animation (Fade in + Fade Out) it's Red Light Appearance.. At The End of This Video you'll Be Able to Animate Any Appearance using SOLIDWORKS Visualize !! if You Understand S.thing New Please Like The Video and Share it.. Also SubScribe for more Useful Tutorials. Thanks!

Conceptual Design Challenge: Artificial Gravity for Human Colonies on the Moon and Mars

77 48 Intermediate
Provide artificial gravity to human colonies based on habitats predefined by NASA, ideally matching terrestrial conditions, to mitigate the harmful effects of microgravity on health in the medium and long term.

How to model a Centrifugal Pump Body (Spiral construction) using Inventor 2014?

76 18 Intermediate
We have to abide by all the conditions from the technical drawing Note: You can watch my live tutorial for modeling this part here: https://youtu.be/yxEAv2p31zw

[VIDEO] SOLIDWORKS Motion Analysis Tutorial [Rack & Pinion Explained + Motion Analysis in Arabic]

75 12 Expert
Hello Everybody and Welcome back again.. in this video Tutorial we Will learn you more about Rack and Pinion Mechanism and it's Applications .. Also the Core of this Video Will be How to make a Motion Analysis of a Rack and Pinion in SOLIDWORKS Using SOLIDWORKS Motion add in.. if You Like this Tutorial let me know and Hit Like! -------------------------------------------------------------------

Creativity in Engineering - Part 4 "CPDC results"

75 5 Beginner
Final list of proposals. Deadline for submissions: April 24 at 11:55 p.m. Added reflections and lessons learned and to be learned!