
Automatic sanitizer spary machine

2 0 Expert
This is a touchless hand sanitizer machine, we use it to avoid the corona's varius In today's video, we will learn to make automatic sanitizer spray machine in solidworks software. ,,,,,, Circuit diagram:- https://www.facebook.com/114899586928036/posts/131883025229692/?sfnsn=wiwspmo&extid=vv74KWHCo5UbC6RJ ,,,, Material:- 1.Proximity sensor 2.6v DC submersible water pump 3.Tip 32C PNP Transistor 4. 1k Resistors 5. LED 6. DC switch 7. DC socket 8. Plastic box 9. Metal sheet 1.2mm __ Social media Links Facebook page. https://m.facebook.com/cadgalaxyy/?ref=bookmarks Instagram follow https://www.instagram.com/cadgalaxyy/ Grabcad follow https://grabcad.com/chetan.gole-3