
Tutorial: Convert .stl Mesh to Solid File in Autodesk Inventor

7 7 Beginner
I found today a post from a friend (Nuno) asking how to solve this issue, converting an .stl to solid .ipt. Then I remembered that I found something in the past regarding this conversion... Yeap! it was in Autodesk Labs So let me explain with couple of easy steps how this works...

Tutorial: How To Obtain Relative Accurate Results From Stress Analysis in Autodesk Inventor

4 0 Beginner
FEA is not a simple mathematical operation. Instead it is a computer-based iterative numerical technique along with inevitable discretization errors, as a function of elements. Therefore these errors can be reduced by... specifying more elements (H-refinement) or employing a higher order of polynomial at each iteration (P-refinement). Effectively more computational power is required to solve complex shaped geometries with high dense mesh (Elements). But how dense should be my mesh to get appropriate results without wasting hours on simulation ??? This is the Golden Question! ... There is a criterion for that, called Converged solution... In plain words the mesh does not need any further refinement (denser mesh) as long as the solution is "Converged". The solution is assumed to be "Converged" when the results of the polynomial eq. does not change according to a prespecified tolerance e.g. 10% Good Results, 0.1% Great Results. So, let me share some information how to manipulate the mesh for a model along with three examples. As a conclusion we will enhance your confidence regarding the results you get, whether are relatively accurate or not (Low Percentage of Discretization Errors) without wasting hours on simulation!!! Don't Forget the simulation results are nothing without any experimental results to compare with.

Create 3D model of metal wire mesh in SolidEdge

4 0 Beginner
Watch tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftXlj_KMS94&feature=youtu.be