
Basic things to know about SOLIDWORKS Drawings for Beginners

12 3 Beginner
In this solidworks drawings tutorial you will learn: 1. How to setup drawing sheet in solidworks drawings. 2. How to make partial section of a view in solidworks drawings. 3. How to make half section of a view in solidworks drawings. 4. How to Change Font size of a dimension in solidworks drawings. 5. How to add detail view in solidworks drawings. 6. How to add Ordinate/Ordinal Dimensions in solidworks drawings. and many more.

How to model a 3D part with 2D drawing background?

9 1 Intermediate
Is very easy, only you need a file with picture or drawing in format JPG. With the model open in solidworks you must go to: 1.- "Scene, Lights and Cameras" display the bottom "Scenes" then double click in "Background", this open a new dialogue "Edit Scene", then in Background Click in the bottom "Browse" and select the picture or drawing that you want and surprise the picture or drawing is in background of your model. Enjoy it. "LIKE" are welcome.

Aircraft Wing NACA4412 Tutorial Aerospace

5 0 Intermediate
Designed a Aerofoil shaped Wing of an Aircraft using points generated from excel sheet. Its 4K video that helps one to get the accurate content for desiging the parts..! The main motto is to develop the skills of Engineers. Aircraft Wing NACA4412 Tutorial Link :: https://youtu.be/3mKKGCEO-z4

SolidWorks Drawings Practice for Taper Thread Pipe

4 1 Intermediate
In this SolidWorks Drawings tutorial I will show you basics of solidworks drawings by making manufacturing drawing of a tapered thread pipe. watch complete video to learn very important tips of solidworks drawings.

SolidWorks Essentials

4 0 Beginner
The aim of this course is to teach you how to use SolidWorks CAD software to build models of parts and assemblies and how to make simple drawings of those parts and assemblies. This course is divided into lessons that focus on different aspects that you need to master in order to use SolidWorks effectively. The topics covered are: * Introduction to sketching * Basic part modelling More topics will be added as they become available

Creating New Views in SOLIDWORKS

3 0 Beginner
Today we are going to be showing you how to create a new view for showing different angles on a print. Sometimes you need to show an angle that is not a normal front, right top or asymmetric view. This is great for a 3D model and for drawings. The first thing you want to do is grab your part and rotate it around to a different angle.

How to Make Exploded View of an Assembly and Export in SolidWorks Drawings

3 0 Beginner
Watch Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zco1aRmXabY

Steam Stop Valve modeling with expert guidance on how to approach complex assembly drawing

2 0 Expert
Full length video tutorial on Modeling Steam stop valve in SolidWorks with expert guidance on how to approach complex assembly drawings. For drawing please refer to my blog :- https://cadgill.blogspot.com/2019/04/steam-stop-valve-assembly-drawing-full.html

Is there a way to re-orient a finished part file in solidworks?

2 0 Intermediate
Hi Nathan You can rotate a model in solidworks by the move body command Tutorial 1. However there is a trick in the drawing that allows you to avoid the above command... follow the 2nd tutorial!!! -Check Below... ;) If you found this helpful let the rest know by up-voting the answer ;P

Solidworks Basic Tutorial for Beginners !Training Exercise 17

2 0 Expert
Blog: https://www.cadcamtutorial.in/ Telegram link - https://t.me/joinchat/jbCTJ5gDeCo3NWE1 Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/cadcamtutorial We will learn the below features or commands in Solidworks. AllSketchTool SketchCondition UnderDefined FullyDefined OverDefined SketchExpert ExtrudeBoss ExtrudeCut RevolveBoss RevolveCut SweepBoss SweepCut PlaneCreation LoftedBoss LoftedCut HoleWizard Fillet chamfer TypesofPatterns #SolidWorksBeginnersTutorials​ #SolidWorksSketching​ #SolidWorksSurface​ #SolidWorksWeldments​ #SolidWorksAssembly​ #SolidWorksDrawing​ #SolidWorksSheetMetal​ #SolidWorksMoldDesign​ #SolidWorksSimulation​ #SolidWorksMotion Please Subscribe to our channel for more videos & projects in Solidworks & don't forget to hit like & share the videos, thanks for watching. Laptop Information Dell G3 3579 Core i5 8th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Item model number - G3 3579 Processor Type - Core i5 Processor Speed 2.3 GHz RAM Size - 16 GB Graphics Coprocess

Up for a challenge

2 0 Intermediate
Here is how I did it.

Solid works Tutorial - 7

2 1 Beginner
Solid works wooden table design | How to use features effective in solidworks weldment In this tutorial you will learn solidworks features Kindly like the video and subscribe the channel for more interesting design. Need 3D model and 2D manufacturing drawing of the same part? mail us : For freelancing work or inquires please drop a mail to shapeit.socialmedia@gmail.com

AutoCAD practice drawing

2 2 Beginner
this video how to draw autocad mechanical drawings


1 1 Expert
Blog: https://www.cadcamtutorial.in/ Telegram link - https://t.me/joinchat/jbCTJ5gDeCo3NWE1 Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/cadcamtutorial We will learn the below features or commands in Solidworks. AllSketchTool SketchCondition UnderDefined FullyDefined OverDefined SketchExpert ExtrudeBoss ExtrudeCut RevolveBoss RevolveCut SweepBoss SweepCut PlaneCreation LoftedBoss LoftedCut HoleWizard Fillet chamfer TypesofPatterns #SolidWorksBeginnersTutorials​ #SolidWorksSketching​ #SolidWorksSurface​ #SolidWorksWeldments​ #SolidWorksAssembly​ #SolidWorksDrawing​ #SolidWorksSheetMetal​ #SolidWorksMoldDesign​ #SolidWorksSimulation​ #SolidWorksMotion Please Subscribe to our channel for more videos & projects in Solidworks & don't forget to hit like & share the videos, thanks for watching. Laptop Information Dell G3 3579 Core i5 8th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Item model number - G3 3579 Processor Type - Core i5 Processor Speed 2.3 GHz RAM Size - 16 GB Graphics Coprocess

Up for a challenge

1 0 Intermediate
Hi William, Ok for the cylinder dimension, i don't see it, because i use ISO normalization. So, what mean "n" before the number?