
How to Color Proof Your 3D Prints (Using This Super-Secret Stratasys Website)

33 6 Beginner
If a customer has ever come to you and said, "I need the color of this 3D print to match this RGB or Pantone EXACTLY!" and you've wondered how to do that – this is the tutorial for you! We'll talk about soft proofing (how to make sure your printer can even print a given color) and hard proofing (matching what you see on screen with a physical result) using Photoshop and the most advanced color printer on the market, a Stratasys J750! (You can find a video version of this tutorial here: https://youtu.be/XsollrDbUVc)

Part 1: A Look at Color Proofing

10 0 Beginner
This tutorial gives some background on color proofing and explains what to do when the color you print doesn't match the color you chose on screen. There will be future tutorials that expand on the topics mentioned here.

How to Use the Color Swatch Tool in GrabCAD Print

4 0 Beginner
This new feature in GrabCAD Print will help customers find and match their desired colors easier -- and faster.

Part 2: Introduction to Color Proofing: Uploading the Stratasys Color Profile

4 0 Beginner
This tutorial is a continuation of my last tutorial "Part 1: A Look at Color Proofing". It will demonstrate how to install the J750 color profile, to ensure the most accurate results during soft proofing.

Part 6: Color Swatch Generator Tutorial (Color Matching and Hard Proofing Step By Step)

3 0 Intermediate
This tutorial describes how to use a 3D Swatch Generator and perform color matching for 3D prints, specifically on J750/J735 3D printers.

Part 3: Setting Up for Soft Proofing in Adobe® Photoshop®

3 0 Beginner
This tutorial is a continuation of my last tutorial "Part 2: Introduction to Color Proofing: Uploading the Stratasys Color Profile". It will demonstrate how to How to Use Adobe® Photoshop® to simulate how colors selected on screen will print on the J750 and how to adjust your input color if required.

Adobe RGB Input Profile In GrabCAD Print

1 0 Beginner
Learn all about Adobe RGB and why its different to sRGB and how to easily implement it into your full coiour 3D Printing workflow