
Video Tutorials from Rhino 3D Tutorials

8 0 Beginner
A series of little tutorials made available on my Youtube channel. For more detailed Rhino 3D tutorials here's the link https://rhino-3d-classes-from-beginner-to-advanced-lev.teachable.com/

starlord Tutorial - image Pixel [ sampler ] with Rhino + Grasshopper

4 0 Intermediate
éste es un Tutorial para convertir una imagen en geometrías tipo Pixel this is a Tutorial to convert an image into Pixel geometries Regards! subscribe! MATGICAL@blogspot.com f DigitalMagical magicaldigital Ig

How to convert a CAD file to an STL file?

2 1 Intermediate
STL is the standard file type used by most or all rapid prototyping systems. A STL is a triangulated representation of a 3D CAD model (figure 1). The triangulation of a surface will cause faceting of the 3D model. The parameters used for outputting a STL will affect how much faceting occurs (figure 2 and 3). You cannot build the model any better or smoother than the STL file, so if the STL is coarse and faceted, that is what you can expect in the final model. In the CAD package, when exporting to STL, you may see parameters for chord height, deviation, angle tolerance, or something similar. These are the parameters that affect the faceting of the STL.You don’t necessarily want to go too small. The finer the STL the larger the file is in size, which will affect processing time in Insight as well as build time. Below is some information found on the Internet regarding exporting to STL from various CAD packages.

Industrial shelter 12x4 meters (Rhinoceros)

2 0 Beginner
Industrial shelter 12 meter wide, 4 meters long and 2,97 meters total high (2,53 meters usable high from the front, and 2,88 meters from the back). Area is 48 m2. Uses 5 mm thick laser cut plates and the following tubes sizes (all in millimeters): 100x100x2 mm 80x40x2 mm Includes a link to YouTube with a video tutorial showing the design process from start to finish with Rhinoceros: https://youtu.be/6KgcZnYgpok

Rhinoceros building tutorial_Desing Architecture Matias A Casciotta Gracia_Magical estudio digital3d

2 0 Beginner
Hello designers!! This is a tutorial to design from three-dimensional models made in Rhinoceros and visual programming made in Grashopper We include architecture, design, three-dimensional models and programming with the support of software technology. I hope it works! (Español) Hola diseñadores!! Ésto es un tutorial para diseñar a partir de modelos 3d realizados en Rhinoceros y programación visual en Grasshopper. Vemos Diseño,Arquitectura,Modelos 3d y Programación, con el apoyo de tecnología de software. Espero les sirva!

Como empezar a mecanizar en 5 minutos

1 0 Expert
Este video es para todos los que como yo, quieren ver directamente como se hace, nada de intro ni explicacion. lo ves y pausas donde quieras. Modelado en Rhino 5 piezas simples solo para que puedan ver como funciona Rhinocam.

Minimalist Wall Mounts

1 1 Beginner
Hello! im Álvaro Fernández, an artist by heart and a engineer by trade. Im from Concón, a quiet beach city in Chile. In this tutorial Im going to teach you how I make the minimalist stl file I post on this site. Its a begginer tutorial, I encourage to all to try it! you can acomplish it. I use: A pencil. Paper. Rhinoceros 6

video bat beisball Rhinoceros tutorial Desing intro de Los Simpsons (jajaj) model 3d space travel

1 0 Intermediate
A video where I model a baseball bat for a brand design contest. The Simpsons provide the introduction and the rest is a journey through digital cyberspace Jaja. I hope you like it! Hug! Un video donde modelo un bate de béisbol para un concurso del diseño de una marca. Los Simpson aportan la introducción y lo demás es un viaje por el ciberespacio digital Jaja. Espero les guste! Abrazo!

Rhinoceros tutorials Building part 2 Parametric modeling 3d Rhinoceros Grasshopper

0 0 Beginner
Tutorial edificio parte 2 . Ésto es un tutorial para diseñar a partir de modelos 3d realizados en Rhinoceros y programación visual en Grasshopper. (English) This is a tutorial to design from three-dimensional models made in Rhinoceros and visual programming made in Grasshopper.We include architecture, design, three-dimensional models and programming with the support of software technology regards! subscribe ! MATGICAL@blogspot.com f DigitalMagical magicaldigital Ig

Applying Colors to Your Model Using SOLIDWORKS, Adobe Photoshop, and Rhinoceros

0 0 Intermediate
Being able to print in full color, including gradients and textures, is one of the many advantages of the Stratasys J750 3D Printer. This best practices document provides instructions for color selection with the Stratasys J750 and includes procedures for models designed with SOLIDWORKS, Adobe Photoshop and Rhinoceros software.