SolidWorks Tutorials on Demand

Created by Usman Akhtar on 7 March, 2018

Can anyone help me convert this stl file into an actual workable solidworks part?

I've been trying to convert this stl file into something that is workable with Solidworks but have had no luck. I tried using and add on called Mesh2Surface but haven't had any luck. Anyone out there more experienced with doing something like this?

2 Answers

It seems that the file you have contains errors and has been messed with quite a bit. Can you please clarify your intention or goal? Unfortunately, it's not feasible to fully convert the STL file to the Solidworks extension. In my view, it would be better to create a new part from scratch.

Scan data? Are all of the holes from registration targets? Or are the holes needed in the final model?

In the attached image: Purple is scan data. Green is made in SOLIDWORKS.
Adjustments and additional features to make this model non-symmetrical are still needed.
Also need to know the desired model thickness, and what the final model will be used for as use ties into the modeling process.
Also curious if the scale is accurate and in inches. For reference the cutout to the left of the image is ~6"x10".

I am surprised the steady stream of "I can do this, contact me on Whats-app" posts have not appeared. Might be worth floating this in the Freelance section to see what offers are made:
Making this in SW would take me several hours.
Making this as a patchwork of surfaces is much faster but the topology is not clean (see surface image attached).