what is the use of Regenerate manager in PROE & CREO?
1 Answer

A regeneration failure is an error Pro/Engineer encounters in the generation of a model that forces it to halt until the problem is corrected by the user. Such failures are avoidable by careful, systematic use of the software but are unavoidable in dealing with designs handed down by less careful users.
Suppressing Features
To suppress a feature, select it in the viewing area or in the Model Tree and in the right-click context menu select Suppress.
Suppressing a feature is similar to hiding it from view but also causes Pro/Engineer to stop considering it in the part or assembly generation. Suppressing a feature makes the model behave as if the feature were deleted, whereas hiding makes a feature invisible. Because the feature behaves as if it were deleted, any unsuppressed children of the feature will suffer regeneration failures.
Suppression is useful in engineering applications when certain aspects of the model need to be ignored in computation. For example, in creating a mesh of a solid for finite element analysis, certain features of a model may be irrelevant to the results and may offer nothing to the model besides an increase in processing time. The solution is to create a copy of the model, and in this copy suppress the unnecessary features. This is called defeaturing. The defeatured copy of the model should then be carefully kept off limits for feature modification, because changes that happen to conflict with suppressed features are very easy to create and go unnoticed. While this careful use of the suppress function is fairly harmless, the following uses in a collaborative design environment are more dangerous:
•The feature is likely to be deleted in the near future, but we haven't decided yet. I will suppress it for now. The correct way to approach this situation is to hide the feature or force yourself to ignore it-- not suppress it. It is important to maintain the functionality of a feature until it is actually removed. Another safe approach is to simply decide whether to delete the feature.
•I will suppress this feature because I don't know what it is. Never assume that a mysterious or invisible feature is without function until checking to be certain that it has no dependent features. Check the parent/child relations first before suppressing anything. Pro/Engineer will attempt to suppress child features of a suppression, but will give no warning when some children of the feature are already suppressed. It is wise to check with the original engineer to determine what features were placed for, because many features are placed for undocumented but important future intentions, and Pro/Engineer can do nothing to predict them or inform you of the consequences.
•I want to redesign this feature from scratch, but I don't want to delete it until I'm finished, so I will suppress it for now. This approach can create a mess of features in the model tree, made at different times by different users. Moreover, dependent features of the existing will need to be rereferenced to the newly designed parent. Whenever possible, a safer approach is to leave the feature in place while designing the new one. Unfortunately, many features cannot be hidden in Pro/Engineer, and working with two visible versions of a feature can be cumbersome because they often overlap in space. Sometimes this problem can be resolved by hiding the older version, but not all features are allowed to be hidden.
•I need both a visual and a computational model, and they are not the same, so I will alternate the suppressing of one version or the other. This is a useful application of suppression but it is safest to only do this for the finishing touches of a design. If such an approach is necessary for any more fundamental feature of a part or assembly that needs to be referenced by others, make sure the entire tree of dependencies of this feature may be suppressed together, and that this is consistent with your design intent.
•I'm going to leave this feature suppressed because I don't know what it is. This is the most dangerous situation of all. Suppression should always be done for a reason and should not occur in the middle of a design process. If given a part or assembly with suppressed features, vigorously pursue the understanding of why they are suppressed and attempt to resume as much as possible before beginning any modifications. It is difficult to see what a suppressed feature is because it is invisible in the viewing area. The only way to determine the nature of the feature is to resume it. If this leads to regeneration failures, follow the steps below to get into the redefinition of a failed feature, and the nature of the feature should become clearer.