
How to make a pipe with different radiuses on their end

0 0 Intermediate
This is my mini tutorial for this problem. Maybe it accually will help someone.

Tutorial : Creating Roll Curve Motion in CATIA

0 0 Intermediate
Follow the steps to achieve Roll Curve Joint.

How to make this?(given in the link)....https://d2t1xqejof9utc.cloudfront.net/pictures/files/10546/large.jpg?1332899233

0 0 Intermediate
The design is simple...

how can i identify the release versions of files

0 0 Intermediate
Hello. There is no way to identify the version before you download it, The only way to know the file version is using the "Document Properties" function that can be found in file once you have opened. Regards

Error in Catia opening my files

0 0 Intermediate
ok sure but i have to write it like an answer. In th first picture i open the piston_pin.CatPart from my folder using catia->file->open->my documents->CatParts->piston_pin.Catpart and a message says "Loading failed" appears. Then i moved the piston_pin.CatPart to my desktop double click on it and it opens with Catia

photo's to 3d model

0 0 Intermediate
Ok I just attached the quetsionable action I was wanting to know about.

How to save assembly in IGES/STEP formate in CATIA v5?

0 0 Intermediate
IGES (.igs) file does not save the file an assembly. I would recommend saving it as STEP (.stp) file.

Error Catia v5r21 in Windows 8 pro "SOLVED"

0 2 Intermediate
Hi, I don't exactly know what files/folders copy and where (for Windows 8.1). Everything up to step 2.19 is OK. When I click CATIA Setting Management, it appears empty (see picture). If I try to open CATIA, the server seems to be working but no license are available to be selected. Can anyone help me? Thanks

Catia counter sunk screw constraint

0 0 Intermediate
Hi friend good morning!! I dont know if you mean to this, as you can see in the picture below:

Is there any way to override the standard appearance of balloon generation in Catia?

0 0 Intermediate
If you are using the Balloon command then the only options you have are a 'circle' or 'none'. You could choose 'none' then have the text underlined though but its not strictly correct.

How to create a bottle bottom on catia v5 like a coke bottel

0 0 Intermediate
I believe you are talking about the detail on the bottom of a coke bottle? Not exact, but gives a representation.

how to do not edit anyone my catpart file in catia v5..only see 3d model but not edit.

0 1 Intermediate
Hi friend, good morning!! Hope you are having a great day, try to make right click on the model, as shown in the picture, that I've had attach you. best Regards,


0 0 Intermediate
How To Save DXF files In CATIA to open in AUTOCAD without explode lines and curves and make fix the polylines (rectangular , triangle , ...)

Creating Trace Elements in CATIA V5

0 0 Intermediate
This BND TechSource video shows how to create Trace elements in CATIA V5. https://bndtechsource.wixsite.com/home

How to Fix non manifold vertices/edges

0 0 Intermediate
Fixing non-manifold vertices and edges is a crucial part of using the Mesh Cleaner in CATIA V5 Digitized Shape Editor. Here's a detailed guide: