
Way to reach the drafting menu

1 0 Expert
The way to reach the drafting menu is as follows.

Drawing a sample piece

1 0 Expert
A sample piece drawing is as follows.

Torsion Bar Analysis using CATIA Generative Structural Analysis (FEA)

0 0 Expert
This BND TechSource video shows how to use CATIA Generative Structural Analysis (FEA) to prove shape change affects the spring rate of a torsion bar. Please visit us at: https://bndtechsource.wixsite.com/home Torsion bar calculations with FEA results (Excel): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fcnP6UekxEIm6hFiCFfc2Qd9F2D60D7H/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114849995441101610372&rtpof=true&sd=true

Flower Pot Design in CATIA V5

0 0 Expert
This video is How to draw the flower pot (vase) using CATIA V5 , Make simple

Sheet Metal Rolling Machine

0 0 Expert
Sheet metal rolling machine


0 0 Expert

Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience

0 0 Expert
Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6487644987675803648


0 0 Expert
Part Modeling

Catia Part Modeling

0 0 Expert
Part Modeling

Fruit Basket using CATIA V5 software|3d model|modeling software

0 0 Expert
My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7T3... This Channel Contains Topics about: -Alibre Design -Catia v5 -Ansys And MORE ***SUBSCRIBE***

Cómo hacer engranajes rectos en FreeCAD

1 0 Expert
Te enseño cómo hacer un engrane recto en FreeCAD de una manera sencilla.

Diseña una Pieza Compleja con Superficies en Generative Shape Design

0 0 Expert
Este es el capitulo 11 del curso de masterCAD de Generative Shape Design, superficies avanzadas. En este caso vamos a enfrentarnos a una pieza que aunque inicialmente no parece muy complicada, después vemos que da ciertos problemas en la multisection. Si te gustaría tomar el curso completo, puedes comprarlo en linea aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fcurso-superficies-catiav5-12h O si prefieres un curso basico de Part Design, puede hacer este otro: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fpart-design-online-12h También puedes probar nuestros cursos Online gratuitamente aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/start/ Video indice: Metodología de resolución -- 00:10 Curva guia inferior -- 06:00 Curva guia superior -- 15:00 Curva guia lateral -- 19:20 Sección A -- 22:00 Sección B -- 27:50 Sección C -- 33:40 Sección D -- 36:45 Multisection 1 / Multisection 2 -- 46:40 / 54:55 Split / Fill -- 48:20 ; 59:55 Closing Points -- 50:45 Close Surface -- 01:00:30 Si tienes dudas, escríbenos a: mastercad@mastercad.com.mx Whatsapp: 22 22 83 51 57 www.mastercad.com.mx

Catia PartModeling

0 0 Expert

assembly of a sports car Catia V5 R21

0 0 Expert
This video shows a real model of a car design assembly in Catia software and this is created in part modelling unit of Catia using simple steps and within less time so stay tuned and watch the full video. This video contains the model in 3d using Catia tools . Catia part modelling is used in this part and product modelling how you can create a basic model advance car part design in 3d model in Catia platform as new technologies are coming up now a days for design as well as customer purpose so learn enjoy and share this video if you find it helpful . in my every videos you will get to learn Catia modelling such as : Catia car design assembly design in Catia cad Catia Catia for beginners Catia v5 R21 Catia v5 assembly design Catia v5 for beginners Catia v5 tutorials design of flange coupling in Catia v5 Catia part modelling MORE DESIGN VIDEOS ARE DOWN HERE : car wheel design Catia V5 R21 https://youtu.be/6mLr4uywQw0 mi watch design Catia V5 R21 https://youtu.be/JxJRpLI1sSA TV model design Catia V5 R21 D