Designing an IMPELLER using CATIA V5

Beginner-level CATIA V5 tutorial aimed at improving your 3D modelling skills to the next level. I tried to simplify the steps while making the workflow as efficient as possible. At the end of this tutorial, you would be able to:
1. Create Points
2. Create Splines
3. Create revolute surfaces
4. Create Projections curves along a direction and normal to surface
5. Create Multi-Sections Surfaces
6. Split a curve using point on curve

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  1. Step 1: Before you start...

    1.     Your units are set to English. Go to Tools -> Options -> Parameters and Measure -> Units -> change length unit to inch

    2.     Choose Generative Shape Design (GSD) workbench and create a new part with ‘Create a geometrical set’ option is active

  2. Step 2: Create a new axis system: Axis System.1

    1.     Select Axis System from Insert menu

    2.     Click OK

  3. Step 3: Create 5 points: Point.1 – Point.5

    1.     Double-click on Point command icon

    2.     Create 5 points on plane YZ according to these values:

    a.     H: 0.00, V: 2.00

    b.     H: 0.10, V: 1.98

    c.     H: 0.70, V: 1.20

    d.     H: 1.50, V: 0.20

    e.     H: 2.60, V: 0.00

    3.     Press Esc keyboard

  4. Step 4: Create a spline connecting all points above: Spline.1

    1.     Click on Spline command icon

    2.     Multi-select Point.1 – Point.5 from the specification tree

    3.     Add tangent direction in Y-axis for the last point in the spline definition list

    4.     Click OK

  5. Step 5: Create a revolve surface: Revolute.1

    1.     Click on Revolve command icon

    2.     Select Spline.1 as the Profile

    3.     Select Z-axis as the Revolution axis

    4.     Enter 360deg as Angle 1

    5.     Click OK

  6. Step 6: Create offset plane: Plane.1

    1.     Click on Plane command icon

    2.     Select plane XY as the Reference

    3.     Enter 1.5 as the Offset

    4.     Make sure the plane is upward from origin (click Reverse Direction if not)

    5.     Click OK

  7. Step 7: Create 4 point: Point.6 – Point.9

    1.     Double-click on Point command icon

    2.     Create 5 points on Plane.1 according to these values:

    a.     H: -0.20, V: 0.59

    b.     H: 0.25, V: 1.00

    c.     H: 0.70, V: 1.80

    d.     H: 1.25, V: 2.165

    3.     Press Esc keyboard

  8. Step 8: Create a spline connecting all points above: Spline.2

    1.     Click on Spline command icon

    2.     Multi-select Point.6 – Point.9 from the specification tree

    3.     Click OK

  9. Step 9: Create projected curve on Revolute.1: Project.1

    1.     Click on Project command icon

    2.     Change Projection Type to Along a direction

    3.     Select Spline.2 as the Projected

    4.     Select Revolute.1 as the Support

    5.     Select Z-axis as the Direction

    6.     Make sure Nearest solution is checked

    7.     Click OK

  10. Step 10: Create 4 point: Point.10 – Point.12

    1.     Double-click on Point command icon

    2.     Create 5 points on plane YZ according to these values:

    a.     H: 1.30, V: 2.00

    b.     H: 1.80, V: 0.50

    c.     H: 2.50, V: 0.20

    3.     Press Esc keyboard

  11. Step 11: Create a spline connecting all points above: Spline.3

    1.     Click on Spline command icon

    2.     Multi-select Point.10 – Point.12 from the specification tree

    3.     Click OK

  12. Step 12: Create a revolve surface: Revolute.2

    1.     Click on Revolve command icon

    2.     Select Spline.3 as the Profile

    3.     Select Z-axis as the Revolution axis

    4.     Enter 360deg as Angle 1

    5.     Click OK

  13. Step 13: Create normal projection of Project.1 onto Revolute.2: Project.2

    1.     Click on Project command icon

    2.     Change Projection Type to Normal

    3.     Select Project.1 as the Projected

    4.     Select Revolute.2 as the Support

    5.     Make sure Nearest solution is checked

    6.     Click OK

  14. Step 14: Create line connecting 2 curves: Line.1

    1.     Click on Line command icon

    2.     Select start point of Project.1 as Point 1

    3.     Select start point of Project.2 as Point 2

    4.     Click OK

  15. Step 15: Create multi-section surface: Multi-sections Surface.1

    1.     Click on Multi-Sections Surface command icon

    2.     Select Project.1 and Project.2 as the Sections

    3.     Select Line.1 as the Spine

    4.     Click OK

  16. Step 16: Create a circular pattern: CircPattern.1

    1.     Select Circular Pattern from Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools

    2.     Click on Multi-sections Surface.1

    3.     Enter 18 as Instance(s)

    4.     Enter 20deg as Angular spacing

    5.     Select Z-axis as Reference element

    6.     Click OK

  17. Step 17: Rotate curve 10deg along the Z-axis: Rotate.1

    1.     Select Rotate from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Project.1 from the specification tree as Element

    3.     Select Z-axis as Axis

    4.     Enter 10deg as Angle

    5.     Click on Hide/Show initial element

    6.     Click OK

  18. Step 18: Rotate curve 10deg along the Z-axis: Rotate.1

    1.     Select Rotate from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Project.1 from the specification tree as Element

    3.     Select Z-axis as Axis

    4.     Enter 10deg as Angle

    5.     Click on Hide/Show initial element

    6.     Click OK

  19. Step 19: Rotate curve 10deg along the Z-axis: Rotate.2

    1.     Select Rotate from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Project.2 from the specification tree as Element

    3.     Select Z-axis as Axis

    4.     Enter 10deg as Angle

    5.     Click on Hide/Show initial element

    6.     Click OK

  20. Step 20: Create point on curve: Point.13

    1.     Click on Point command icon

    2.     Click on Rotate.1 from the specification tree

    3.     Enter 1.00 as Length

    4.     Click OK

  21. Step 21: Create point on curve: Point.14

    1.     Click on Point command icon

    2.     Click on Rotate.2 from the specification tree

    3.     Enter 1.30 as Length

    4.     Click OK

  22. Step 22: Create split curve: Split.1

    1.     Select Split from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Rotate.1 as Element to cut

    3.     Select Point.13 as Cutting elements

    4.     Make sure the orange-colored curve preview is at the lower part (click Other side if not)

    5.     Click OK

  23. Step 23: Create split curve: Split.2

    1.     Select Split from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Rotate.2 as Element to cut

    3.     Select Point.14 as Cutting elements

    4.     Make sure the orange-colored curve preview is at the lower part (click Other side if not)

    5.     Click OK

  24. Step 24: Create line connecting 2 curves: Line.2

    1.     Click on Line command icon

    2.     Select start point of Split.1 as Point 1

    3.     Select start point of Split.2 as Point 2

    4.     Click OK

  25. Step 25: Create multi-section surface: Multi-sections Surface.2

    1.     Click on Multi-Sections Surface command icon

    2.     Select Split.1 and Split.2 as the Sections

    3.     Select Line.2 as the Spine

    4.     Click OK

  26. Step 26: Create multi-section surface: Multi-sections Surface.2

    1.     Click on Multi-Sections Surface command icon

    2.     Select Split.1 and Split.2 as the Sections

    3.     Select Line.2 as the Spine

    4.     Click OK

  27. Step 27: Create a circular pattern: CircPattern.2

    1.     Select Circular Pattern from Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools

    2.     Click on Multi-sections Surface.2

    3.     Enter 18 as Instance(s)

    4.     Enter 20deg as Angular spacing

    5.     Select Z-axis as Reference element

    6.     Click OK

  28. Step 28: Create a circular pattern: CircPattern.2

    1.     Select Circular Pattern from Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools

    2.     Click on Multi-sections Surface.2

    3.     Enter 18 as Instance(s)

    4.     Enter 20deg as Angular spacing

    5.     Select Z-axis as Reference element

    6.     Click OK

  29. Step 29: Rotate curve 10deg along the Z-axis: Rotate.3

    1.     Select Rotate from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Project.1 from the specification tree as Element

    3.     Select Z-axis as Axis

    4.     Enter 5deg as Angle

    5.     Click OK

  30. Step 30: Rotate curve 10deg along the Z-axis: Rotate.4

    1.     Select Rotate from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Project.2 from the specification tree as Element

    3.     Select Z-axis as Axis

    4.     Enter 5deg as Angle

    5.     Click OK

  31. Step 31: Create point on curve: Point.15

    1.     Click on Point command icon

    2.     Click on Rotate.3 from the specification tree

    3.     Enter 1.50 as Length

    4.     Click OK

  32. Step 32: Create point on curve: Point.16

    1.     Click on Point command icon

    2.     Click on Rotate.4 from the specification tree

    3.     Enter 1.93 as Length

    4.     Click OK

  33. Step 33: Create split curve: Split.3

    1.     Select Split from Insert -> Operations

    2.     Select Rotate.3 as Element to cut

    3.     Select Point.15 as Cutting elements

    4.     Make sure the orange-colored curve preview is at the lower part (click Other side if not)

    5.     Click OK

  34. Step 34: Create line connecting 2 curves: Line.3

    1.     Click on Line command icon

    2.     Select start point of Split.3 as Point 1

    3.     Select start point of Split.4 as Point 2

    4.     Click OK

  35. Step 35: Create multi-section surface: Multi-sections Surface.3

    1.     Click on Multi-Sections Surface command icon

    2.     Select Split.3 and Split.4 as the Sections

    3.     Select Line.3 as the Spine

    4.     Click OK

  36. Step 36: Create a circular pattern: CircPattern.3

    1.     Select Circular Pattern from Insert -> Advanced Replication Tools

    2.     Click on Multi-sections Surface.3

    3.     Enter 36 as Instance(s)

    4.     Enter 10deg as Angular spacing

    5.     Select Z-axis as Reference element

    6.     Click OK

  37. Step 37: Clean-up

    Make all the necessary clean-up to make sure only related surfaces are visible.
