How to add(Make on one body ) surface area with solid part ?? ( Help to make mold in solid works )
Custom Mold Insert Design
Step 1:
Have a look at this stage, you will have 3 solids. 2 mold cavities and the original part.
Step 2:
I used Surface extrude 2 (red Surface) 2 to cut the insert pin into two
Step 3:
Then i used Surface extrude 3(yellow surface) to cut the pin out of the cavity
Step 4:
In this step I have Splitted both mold cavity using Surface extrude 3
Step 5:
As you see after Splitting 1 I have 6 parts
Step 6:
After Splitting 2 I have even more; 7 parts
Step 7:
Now Comes the combining step.
Have a look at the photo one side of the insert pin is already combined. On the other side using Combine 2 i am joiing turkis and pink part together -
Step 8:
In the end you should be left with 5 parts.
2 mold cavity, 2 insert pin and your designed part