How to change lineweight in AutoCAD?

A quick tip about changing lineweight in AutoCAD.

  1. Step 1: Select the lines

    I have one random drawing on the picture and all the lines have the same thickness.

    Lets say I want to change the lineweight of my object, all the main contour lines, they should be thicker, right? Well I am going to select all the lines except dimension lines and then right click, Properties.

  2. Step 2: Click Properties

    I have got this Properties window and I can change the Lineweight here, I need to change to 0.33 to see a difference on the screen, that is different in the layout, there you will see the a difference between every line.

  3. Step 3: Check the Status bar

    It did not changed anything because I need to turn on Lineweight from the Status bar down below. If you have vanilla newer AutoCAD the status bar could be on the right side below.

    If you can not find where to turn On or Off the Lineweight, you need to go to your Application Status Bar Menu and turn it there On first.

  4. Step 4: Success!

    You can see on the picture how it looks. There is different line thickness.


    Karajko CAD
