How to make 3D posts of your models on Facebook
Facebook has just updated their new feature that enables 3D viewing in posts...
This feature has been around for some time, but the new update supports the industry-standard glTF 2.0 file format. This allows us to share 3D content on Facebook, whichever the designing software used was.
Here I'll show you how to turn your 3D files into GLB, the only extension Facebook reads till now.
By the way, GLB file format is a binary form of glTF that includes textures instead of referencing them as external images, so don't worry about the output's quality.
Step 1: Save as GLB
If you use Blender, Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Modo or even Microsoft Paint 3D, just save your file as GLB.
Skip to Step 4.
Step 2: Save as STL
If you don't use one of those previously mentioned - like me - then you'll have to save your model as an STL file first.
For "Save as type", choose "STL (*.stl)".
Now click "Save".
Note that Facebook has a 3 Mb limit for GLB, so make sure your STL is smaller than 8 Mb.
Step 3: STL 2 GLB
Now we'll convert our STL file into GLB, so that we could upload it to Facebook.
There are many online STL to GLB converters, but this seems to be the simplest.
Just open the online converter, upload your model, choose a background (optional), then it'll download automatically.
Step 4: Uploading to Facebook
Now open your Facebook account, then "Create" a new post.
Open your GLB file's location aside, drag your file to Facebook, then leave it in the post section.
Now your post is ready, just click "Share" and your model is ready for being viewed.
Now your post should look like this: