Ionic Nozzle

An ionic experiment to impact the air in the convection cavities, the formation of the vortex which extends its longitude with the gain of the ionic wind.

  1. Step 1:

    After downloading it you can modify Scalable design and adjust the tip in the dimensions to the scale of your overall vehicle.

    We recommend printing them separately so that you can rework them later.

    Our model as is, if you print it, it will be easily disassembled into several separate parts.

    So, you will get your parts well done.

  2. Step 2:

    Assemble it...

    For this you will need other supplies that we will list.

    Aluminum Scotch.

    The thickness influences the resistance of the conductor; you can adjust the levels.

    Then carefully apply this coating inside to all cylindrical and elliptical parts.

    You can superimpose several layers separated by a transparent non-conductive tape.

    Make your scissor cut well

  3. Step 3:

    The connectors

    You need two, a piece of cable + and a wire - on the ellipses or washers

    leave the two middle pucks neutral.

    pierce the other three with a paper clip cut on each side attach them through a hole on the rear train wall

  4. Step 4:

    We almost can test the Thrust with a power source

  5. Step 5: Power Source Socket

    TECNOIOT 2pcs DC 3V-6V to 400kV 400000V Boost Step up Power Module High Voltage Generator
