Spring in SolidWorks

In this tutorial I will make a torsion spring in SOLIDWORKS, the same as you can see in my models. I hope it will be helpful for you.

  1. Step 1: Choose a Top Plane

    • Choose top plane and start.
    • Draw a circle D:3,60 mm and go under Features and choose (under Curves) Helix Spiral.
    • Pitch is 2 mm and we will have 13 Revolutions. OK

  2. Step 2: Sketch & Draw

    • Then choose Front plane to sketch and draw a center line from the center up.
    • Then draw a line and and choose 3 Point Arc and draw 2 half circles.
    • Then draw a center line like in the photo. Angle: 45 deg.

  3. Step 3: Smart Dimensions

    Smart Dimensions and close the sketch.

  4. Step 4: Open 3D Sketch

    Open 3D sketch. Select Spline and draw a line like in the photo.

  5. Step 5: Select Spline & Line

    Then select the Spline and Line (hold Ctrl) and select Tangent. See the photo.

  6. Step 6: Sketch Again

    close the sketch. Choose the front plain and make the same on the other side.

  7. Step 7: Open 3D Sketch

    Close the sketch and open 3D sketch Select Spline and draw a line. See STEP 4 and 5.

  8. Step 8: Composite Curve

    Now exit 3D sketch and go to Features and select (under Curves) Composite Curve and select all and OK

  9. Step 9: Choose a plane

    Now choose a plane (Reference Geo.) and select the Edge and Point like you see in the photo. and Sketch on that plain.

  10. Step 10: Draw a circle

    Draw a circle D: 0,8mm and close the sketch.

  11. Step 11: Go to Swept Boss

    Features and select Swept Boss and select the circule u draw in the step 10 and the curve.

  12. Step 12: Success!

    Now you are done.
