Tutorial : Creating Gear Joints in CATIA

Here's the simple way to get Gear Joints
Step 1:
Click the Gear Joint icon in the Kinematics Joints toolbar or select Insert -> New Joint ->Gear... from the Menu bar.
The Joint Creation: Gear dialog box appears.
The Mechanism is identified in the specification tree.
Now you need to select two Revolute joints. -
Step 2:
Select Revolute.1 either in the specification tree or in the geometry area.
Step 3:
Create Revolute.2 within the Gear command. For this: click Create button
The Joint Creation: Revolute dialog box appears automatically: -
Step 4:
Select line .1 (Gear1 axis) and line.2 (Gear2 axis) as shown below in the geometry area:
Select plane.1 (Gear1 face) and plane.2 (Gear2 face) either in the specification tree or in the
geometry area: -
Step 5:
Select the Offset option button and keep the default value. When done, click Ok.
Step 6:
Assign a command, select for instance the Angle driven for revolute1 check box.
Step 7:
Click "define" button to define the ratio parameter automatically. The Gear Ratio Definition dialog box is
automatically displayed. -
Step 8:
Select the two circles in the geometry area. each one for Gear 1 and Gear 2.
The calculated ratio appears in the Joint Creation: Gear dialog box.
Step 9:
Change the rotation direction option if needed.
The default is Same (positive)
Opposite is negative -
Step 10:
Click Ok when done