
Saving your Fusion 360 design in your local storage

11 0 Intermediate
Hi @https://grabcad.com/cyrhuz.sortijas.bocar-1, You've mentioned earlier that your license is about to expire. The good news is it will prompt you options of renewing your educational license. I figured that you asked about these because you're worried that your precious thesis file that you put in so much effort will be lost. Luckily all design files from f360 is saved in the cloud (internet connection required). So there's pretty much nothing to worry about. Anyhow, here's a quick tutorial on how to save your f360 design file on your local storage as a safety precaution.

diverse shape translation to JT or STP

9 2 Intermediate
Have found a way to import / translate easy shape files like 3ds, wrl, skp, stl, ifc and so on into JT or STP. The shape files can have texture or not. My interest was how to get the shape files with texture translated to JT. For this, I use PCon Planner and save as 3DS. After this, import it into MeshLab (single texture file / no layer) and save it as WRL (VRML 2). This is than easy to import into Teamcenter Livecyle Visualisation (TCVis) and save as JT. If you like to have more imported WRL/JT files into TCvis (JT2Go) please rename the texture or the view results in TCVis (JT2Go) are bad, looks like unplaced textures. If you like to export files with not a texture another way is to use. The fast one with no colours is to save as stl and import it into your volume modeller. The longer way is here to import it into PCon after this save as Skp (Sketchup) and now is to use Automapki (~40 $ or € / year sorry no freeware I have found) and save as STP file. The result you can now import into a volume modeller and use it there or (and) save it as JT and many other files too. Hope you like this tutorial a bit. If you have any questions please let me know.

Solidworks drawings tutorial

1 0 Intermediate
In this video I will be showing you how to make a professional drawing in Solidworks 2017 So I am showing you exactly these things here: 1) Make drawing from part 2) Make auxiliary view 3) Section view 4) Detail view 5) Geometric Tolerance 6) Surface Finish 7) Tolerance/Precision 8) Edit sheet Format 9) Converting the SLDDRW file to PDF file 10) Fliping Cutting line direction 11) Use the view palette

3D Model File Format Conversion Methods

1 0 Intermediate
3D Model File Format Conversion Methods 2-Way Conversion: .stp/.step to .wrl .wrl to .stp/.step

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial - How to Draw the Assembly and Its Components on the Same Sheet

0 0 Intermediate
We can draw the assembly and its components on the same drawing sheet. It is able to be applied by unchecking some component of assembly on drawing browser. We apply the balloons and the parts list table for drawing the assembly. We apply center mark, centerline, section view, and dimension for drawing the components.

Learning Autodesk Fusion 360 in Arabic - 17

0 0 Intermediate
https://youtu.be/AmhIZsSNU4o كيفية تحويل الشكل المجسم الى رسوم مقطعية ووضع جميع الابعاد الضرورية لانتاج مخططات احترافية وعملية How to convert a 3D object into 2D drawings and cross sections with all the necessary dimensions to produce a very effective and professional drawings


0 11 Intermediate

Autodesk Fusion 360 Tutorial - How to Set the Orthographic Projection

0 0 Intermediate
This tutorial is about how to set the orthographic projection on Autodesk Fusion 360. This feature is updated on October 28, 2018.

Fusion 360 - Import 3D scans with textures

0 0 Intermediate
Importing 3D scans with textures into Fusion 360 is not a straightforward process. Depending on the file format there are additional steps that need to be done regarding the texture. Usually the best solution is to retexture the model within Blender.