
Matte or Glossy? Which Finish to Use for Your 3D Prints and When.

9 0 Beginner
Matte or Glossy? That is the question. PolyJet users often ask themselves whether they should print a part with a matte finish or a glossy finish. And not without reason. The type of finish can totally alter the look, feel, color, and even strength and durability of two otherwise identical parts. Each option has its own benefits and implications that need to be considered. In this tutorial we will give an overview of matte and glossy, compare the pros and cons of each, and offer examples that clearly show what each finish type has to contribute. Finally, we will wrap up with a quick breakdown of when to use what.

Tutorial:How to model Hook in Pro/ENGINEER?

8 1 Beginner
Here's the answer for it.. Step 1

How to use Welding

4 0 Beginner
In the ProE and Creo is possible to create different types of Welds. System automatically calculate with used materials and Weld process. This information is possible to show in the Weld symbol and drawings.

how to make pattern along a curve?

3 1 Beginner
The answer is here.

How to model a Mercedes-Benz Logo in proEngineer?

3 0 Beginner
Just thought of adding a tutorial of modelling a Benz logo in proEngineer.:) Enjoy..http://grabcad.com/library/mercedes-benz-logo...D file for learning...

Tutorial: Modelling spring having any given trajectory in Pro/E

2 1 Beginner
Download Model: http://grabcad.com/library/given-trajectory-spring

fluent simulation

2 0 Beginner
visit site: https://alfaproject.ir/fluent-proje/

Helical pattern of holes in pro-e.

1 1 Beginner
I hope, this will be useful for you

Top down assembly with skeleton model in pro engineer.

1 0 Beginner
following general steps to make top down assembly from skeleton model

how to roll back the model in proe5, is there any way like solid works

1 0 Beginner
See pic.

How to optimize time during sketching in Pro-E/Creo ??

1 0 Beginner
Well I've started with sketching tips in pro-e/creo, which often come handy when I use pro-e/creo elements.Then I'll move on to some feature base tips.So lets not waste time and get started.Its easy and will take minimal time...

Tutorial: How to save time in sketcher mode in Pro-E/Creo Elements

1 0 Beginner
References is used in sketcher mode only.It lets you use existing geometry in a better way.By adding references , sometimes you can resolve the unresolved sketches also. Any suggestions and questions are welcome...

Tutorial - How to make dodecahedron pot

1 0 Beginner
That's what I did.

Tutorial on Four bar mechanism animation in creo or pro e wildfire.

1 0 Beginner
continue to create the mechanism

JP_011_GrabCAD Print: 「マットかグロス?」3D造形でどのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのか

1 0 Beginner
マット(艶消し)にするか、それともグロッシー(光沢)にするか、それが今回のテーマです。 PolyJetプリンタをお使いの皆さんは、部品をマット仕上げにすべきか、グロッシー仕上げにすべきかで悩むことがよくあります。 皆さんが頭を悩ませるのも無理ありません。それ以外の点はまったく同じの2個の部品でも、仕上げのタイプが異なると、見た目、感触、色、そして強度や耐久性までもががらりと変わってしまう可能性があるのです。どちらの仕上げにもそれぞれ、考慮すべき独自のメリットと影響があります。 このチュートリアルでは、マット仕上げとグロッシー仕上げの概要を説明し、それぞれの長所と短所を比較し、それぞれのタイプがどのような仕上がりにつながるのかを明確に示す例を紹介します。そして最後に、どのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのかを簡単に分類してまとめとします。