

13 0 Intermediate
LUGER 9 mm See video. https://youtu.be/ifvvpdlOeuQ

can you give drawing models with dimensions to practice?

13 0 Intermediate

Standard Parts Online Library (3D Model & 2D Drawing)

8 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial U can find Standard Parts Online Library (3D Model & 2D Drawing) so u can directly used ...

can you give drawing models with dimensions to practice?

7 0 Intermediate
practice models

Need to put lights into a render.

4 0 Intermediate
Use keyshot IES light...By this you can give real looking lightening effect

Tutorial: Welding In Proe

4 0 Intermediate
Welding in Pro E (Creo 2)

How to create an environment in keyshot by yourself?

3 0 Intermediate
You can make your own environment by editing your HDRI

How to analyse Pro Engineer component in Ansys 10.0 welding property?

2 0 Intermediate
u can weld through following step in workbench There are one "WELD" option in geometry. there u can create weld

3D Modeling of a Braitenberg Vehicle in 4 Steps using Autodesk 123D Design

2 0 Intermediate
This tutorial is suitable for designers who have a basic knowledge of using the open source product Autodesk 123D Design. The steps to build a Breitenberg vehicle are as follows: 1. Modeling a wheel: a cylinder with a diameter of 2 cm and a height of 0.5 cm is placed in the workspace. Drill a hole in it by drawing a circle with a diameter of 0.3 cm and extruding - 0.5 cm with the Extrude tool. We soften the edges of the cylinder with Fillet Radius: 0.5. 2. Clone the wheel: rotate the resulting wheel 90° along the Z axis and copy it with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. 3. Modeling the vehicle body: regarding the design of the vehicle body, there are various options. In this case the author models a classic vehicle, which is most often shown in the bibliographic sources. After drawing and extruding a surface with the desired shape we apply Fillet with radius 35 on the back edge and with 30 on the front edge for a contemporary design (i could provide more images if it is needed). On the selected side edges we successively apply Fillet with a radius of 9. 4. Make a special place for the sensor: it is necessary to select the square plane that is located in the middle of the case and successively apply Sketch > Project, Sketch > Offset and Construct > Extrude with a negative value.

How to Open Your Model in KeyShot

2 0 Intermediate
Within GrabCAD, you have a pulldown in the model viewing screen with the option to Open with KeyShot. When a model is open inside a project of the Workbench interface, you and any collaborators will see a Open With menu above the model in the upper right corner. With a single click, members of the project are able to select Open with KeyShot to launch and open the model directly inside KeyShot. With KeyShot installed, the model will open immediately inside the KeyShot realtime rendering environment. A video of the functionality can be viewed here. Once you have your model in KeyShot, you're ready to render! To get started quickly, see the quick tips and tutorials available here: http://keyshot.com/learning/

Smoking Shelter

1 0 Intermediate
Building the smoking shelter. I have full workshop drawings for making all of the parts. Contact me at gbm60@hotmail.com if you are interested in making the first real one.

How to add a label onto a surface in Keyshot without bleedover to other surfaces?

1 1 Intermediate
The following is an easy way to do it in KeyShot itself..Hope it helps...

How to Copy-Paste parameters from one part to another in Pro-E?

1 0 Intermediate
It doesn't the parameters if there is a parameter which has a restriction. I've deselected those parameters and copy and paste the rest into the part. You will have to create the restricted parameters yourself.

how to do wire rope in pro e

1 1 Intermediate
wire rope can be design by using WRAP command.

How to Get More Eyes on Your Design

0 0 Intermediate
One way we find what people are creating with KeyShot is by performing a search for the software. Searching for the word 'keyshot' will show the content where people used 'keyshot' in the description or as a tag. If you want more eyes on your design, make sure to fill out the description and enter tags. List the software used in the description or tag, as many people search for these terms to see where how the software is being used and many software companies search to share those models and images with others. https://grabcad.com/library/tag/keyshot