
Part 1: A Look at Color Proofing

10 0 Beginner
This tutorial gives some background on color proofing and explains what to do when the color you print doesn't match the color you chose on screen. There will be future tutorials that expand on the topics mentioned here.

How to Orient a 3D Printed Part for Smooth Finishing

4 0 Beginner
This tutorial will show you the best practices for orienting a part in order to achieve a smooth finish.

Tutorial: how to correctly upload an assembly model

2 0 Beginner
Looking through the uploaded models, I found many assembly models that are actually useless because the assembly parts are missing. While uploading an assembly model created with Solidworks, Slid Edge, Catia, NX or other MCAD systems, you should be aware that the upload of the .asm (or .product) it is not enough. You must upload also the part files (.par or .CATPart) in order to make the full assembly visible and usable.