
Part View Labels with BOM item number

12 2 Intermediate
Set Your Drawing View Labels to Use BOM item numbers.

Inventor VBA to control sheet metal property

2 0 Beginner
This is a short part#1 video of a VBA program I made to control iProperty in inventor.

iProperties - Custom - Autodesk Inventor Pro

1 0 Beginner
Legendas - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4. Preencher as informações do item no 3D utilizando a ferramenta: - iProperties - Custom. Esta ferramenta facilita e muito. Após terminar o 3D, conjunto ou componente, ao iniciar o 2D, todas as informações da legenda já estarão no devido Formato.


0 0 Expert
Bill Of Material (BOM) Preparation Of bom is an important aspect in engineering manufacturing drawing. The bom content part number, stock size, material details, quantity etc. The Details in creo parametric bill of material are represented

How to do thermal ands static simulation on cantilever and Simply Supported Beam

0 0 Beginner
Hello everyone, in this simple short video, i've shown a process of using static and thermal stress simulation using Autodesk Fusion 360 . and there are somethings in the model which i overlooked as this tutorial is meant for beginners, so i've tried to keep it very simple. so follow the video till last.