
Does NX 7.5/8 has any toolbox (e.g to gears and pinion) like in solidworks?

7 0 Beginner
go to start in windows

Parasolid and the GrabCad viewer

5 0 Beginner
Displaying in the viewer a Parasolid file generated with recent software


1 0 Beginner
I hope this video useful for everyone want to become professional design of engineer I have a channel in youtube about CAD 3D, I hope this useful for you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw_Zp8rsvtI01SnhkM_4FAw

Sheetmetal Tutorial

1 0 Beginner
Nx Sheetmetal tutorial

Autocad VS Solidworks Comparison | Which 3D Modeling Software is Better

0 0 Beginner
in This Video You Will Understand The Main Differences & Similarities Between AutoCAD & Solidworks. To Improve Your CAD CAM Skills Visit Our Website https://thesavvyengineer.online/