
AutoCAD Beginner's Guide

4 0 Beginner
Hey guys this tutorial mainly focuses on the basics of 2d drafting. You will get full info about the this CAD Software and will be able to draft any sketch in this software.

Solidworks Beginner Tutorial(Hindi)

2 0 Beginner
This tutorial is an express solidworks tutorial which will give basic idea about the software and the tools by which you can create your sketches and 3d models at beginners level.


2 0 Expert
This tutorials playlist will cover all the advance topics of Solidworks. So must watch and do subscribe me and follow me.

Learn Solidworks 2017; Introducing the Interface. Vol. 2

1 0 Beginner
SolidWorks 2017 Tutorial 2: Interface, Design Library, Options, Ribbons, Feature manager tree.

Solidworks Tutorial for Beginners #14: Chamfer. [2018]

0 0 Beginner
Tutorial 14: The objective of this tutorial is to introduce to you the chamfer tool. At the end of this tutorial, with the chamfer tool, you would be able to modify the sharp corners of your sketches, by creating a cut feature. To contribute to this video: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=pvcQfKynEPk To access the tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI-7KFfWRon1VfK0Z2v879Q/playlists

scale command in autocad

0 0 Beginner
Please watch: "How to Scale in AutoCAD | Lesson 33 | AutoCAD 2013 Tutorial in hindi 👈" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRQ7eo_o_UQ

Solidworks Tutorial for Beginners #11: Splines. [2018]

0 0 Beginner
Tutorial 11: The objective of this tutorial is to introduce to you the different types of spline tools. At the end of this tutorial, you would be able to sketch using the Splines, and also edit its geometry using the different methods available. To contribute to this video: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=d16KO0ebEMk&ref=share To access the tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI-7KFfWRon1VfK0Z2v879Q/playlists

Solidworks Tutorial for Beginners #13: Fillet. [2018]

0 0 Beginner
Tutorial 13: The objective of this tutorial is to introduce to you the fillet tool. At the end of this tutorial, with the fillet tool, you would be able to modify the sharp corners of your sketches into curved corners. To contribute to this video: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=xUC2wrGtF7Y&ref=share To access the tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI-7KFfWRon1VfK0Z2v879Q/playlists