
How to model a simplified toilet in BricsCAD

3 1 Intermediate
Key commands covered: DMSIMPLIFY Extrude - taper DMTHICKEN ISOLATEOBJECTS HIDEOBJECTS UNISOLATEOBJECTS SolidEdit - Body - seParate Components library (BricsCAD Mechanical only)

Old Fashioned style staircase

1 0 Intermediate
Learn BricsCAD with practical examples. This week, learn how to use advanced modeling techniques to make a set of stairs in CAD. Commands covered: DIV(DIVIDE) AR(ARRAY)/Path AR(ARRAY)/Polar SWEEP REV(REVOLVE) EXT(EXTRUDE)/Both sides 3P(3DPOLY) IAT(IMAGEATTACH)

how can i download luxology materials for solid works?

1 0 Intermediate
Do not know if still has doubts, but to access the download, you have to have a license the software "MODO" or a client account of SolidWorks (Customer Portal).

Truth Arena

0 0 Intermediate
Truth Arena Dev