
How to design Complete Robot using Voice Assistant like JARVIS in Fusion 360

17 1 Intermediate
4-wheeled Robot Design Frame is 3D printable. Components - 1. Raspberry pi 4 2. Sony WebCam 3. Normal 3.5 mm jack Speaker 4. Custom Frame 5. MI 20000 mAh powerbank 6. 100 RPM Dual Shaft BO Motor - Straight with wheels Custom Voice Assistance code is running in background. Voice assistance code is connected with database which is having values like quantity and dimensions of components. Mail me for Jarvis source code. Like this video... 🤘

design,automation of a lifter

5 1 Beginner
complete tutorial on design using solidworks,realization using a laser cutter and 3D printer to realize the lifter

How to make a smart jumper wire in Solidworks

3 0 Intermediate
★ I've always wanted to make this tutorial. When I entered university I got the idea thar Solidworks was only a good idea for mechanical projects, however I couldn't be more wrong, it is a powerful tool for electronic projects as well! I made this GrabCAD tutorial in order to encourage people to learn how to use the Solidworks Routing add-in to draw wires and cables into their projects. Hope it helps :) * The arduino model I used is credit to @Dũng Phan (https://grabcad.com/library/arduino-uno-r3-8) * The Jump connectors I used were adapted from the project of @Raafat Mohamed (https://grabcad.com/library/smart-jumper-wire-2) and are available in my GrabcCAD models page * The song in the video is CC and it is credit to bdProductions, song name "Ambient Documentary Inspiration"

CokeBot the Animatronic character.

2 0 Beginner
A robot character made from empty coke cans along with servo motors. We made a prototype back in the summer (2017) and thought it would make a great robot character. We went out and bought a case of coke* and as they are emptied we kept the cans ready for construction. In order, to make the cans safe for children to handle, ring pulls can slice little fingers, we have designed inserts that pop onto the top of the cans as well as parts that house servo motors. We use three servos to control the movements, of the CokeBots arms and neck. There is also the instructions to build a non-animated version which does not use servos. Supplies: For this Instructable you will require: 23 Cans, Strong glue The 3d printed joiners, of which the files are freely available at Booting For the animatronic version you will also require: An Arduino Uno, 3 Servos (metal gear recommended), It is also recommended to use a servo driver board.

Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1.0 surface extrude with solidworks part 6

1 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1.0 surface extrude with solidworks part 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ogW8SlSIA

Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 5

1 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy,thanks Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2VKJB1rmMQ&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ&index=56

Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 5

1 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 5 https://youtu.be/sDqHm2Y_gRQ

Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 3

1 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6e7nk56BHo

Tutorial designing arduino nano casing v1.0 casing sketching and fitting solidworks part 9

1 0 Beginner
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, thanks Tutorial designing arduino nano casing v1.0 casing sketching and fitting solidworks part 9 Please watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fsq7TLtwW0&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ Link : https://rixtronix.joomla.com/index.php/2-uncategorised/260-tutorial-designing-arduino-nano-casing-v1-0-casing-sketching-and-fitting-solidworks-part-9

Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 8

1 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smo3J9xlO_s

Tutorial designing arduino nano casing v1.0 casing sketching and fitting solidworks part 9

0 0 Beginner
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy, thanks :) Tutorial designing arduino nano casing v1.0 casing sketching and fitting solidworks part 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fsq7TLtwW0&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ&index=31

Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 4

0 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy,thanks Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnc91STAShQ&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ&index=55

Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 7

0 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy,thanks Tutorial designing arduino uno v1.0 casing with surface extrude combine move solidworks part 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Xw2iHGvJM&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ&index=56

Tutorial designing arduino mega 2560 v1.0 casing with surface extrude solidworks part 1

0 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy,thanks Tutorial designing arduino mega 2560 v1.0 casing with surface extrude solidworks part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ6VOfMQOxw&list=UU89se0BZ2oGeqN5jNbDAyQQ&index=21

Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 5

0 0 Intermediate
Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the community, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Tutorial designing arduino due casing v1 0 surface extrude with solidworks part 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDqHm2Y_gRQ