
Introduction to Solid Edge

6 2 Beginner
Part Modeling by Solid Edge

6 tutorials (3D model) for intermediate designers

6 3 Intermediate
6 tutorials (3D model) for intermediate designers to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15R_7Hg1SEVwwGmlpql_sDw2GIIbCf5vH/view?usp=sharing

How to do draft analysis in Catia V5

4 0 Beginner
Here is the solution part downloaded from http://grabcad.com/library/b824-meccano

Modeling a Tube Breaker (Complex)

3 0 Intermediate
Complex design includes angular draft feature. Useful for intermediate learners

Modelling welds with FreeCAD 0.19

3 0 Beginner
This tutorial explain how to model welds with FreeCAD, version 0.19. For that we will use epsiloidal primitive sequences placed on the weld seams. Principle is described in Step 1 and then other steps describe practical cases. We will mainly use Part and Draft workbenches and functions Primitives, Epsiloid and Path Array.

Fusion 360: How to use shell Command, Draft Command, Scale Command, and Combine Command Quick tips.

2 0 Intermediate
Dear Viewers, This Video Will give an insight how to use the hell Command, Draft Command, Scale Command, and Combine Command. # fusion360 #Elearning #animation #3dmodeling #onlineeducation #autodesk #autocad #catia #solidworks #inventor #3dprinting #mbm #mbmu #engineering #engine #crank https://t.me/+IfjCfFqrIOQ3M2Zl Telegram group Join for more discussion and videos https://t.me/+IfjCfFqrIOQ3M2Zl

DIY 3d printing soap box design in creo

2 0 Intermediate
DIY soapbox design in creo 6.0 #soapbox #diyproject #3dprinting #keyshot9 plz watch my videos and subscribe to my channel on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aNv-le_JLgelblN0WR63g?view_as=subscriber

Surface design for Beginner in freecad

2 0 Beginner
Surface design for Beginner in freecad All Dimension Are Assumed I Design Surface part with draft ,surface, part workbench FreeCAD is a free and open-source general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design modeler and a building information modeling software with finite element method support. Downloads FreeCAD software from this site https://www.freecadweb.org/downloads.php

How do I add a specific cut pattern with a draft around a curved surface?

2 0 Intermediate
In order to Focus on your question I will Keep the bottle thread out of the tutorial.

Modelling of Draft on Circular Face for Forging Components

1 0 Intermediate
Describes the method of making drafts for forging components in CATIA using Generative Surface Modelling

3D modeling of Plastic Pallet in the Creo 7

1 0 Beginner
Used Features: Extrude, Draft, Round, Pattern, Shell

Tutorial: Change color scheme in DraftSight

1 0 Beginner
Change color scheme in Draftsight

Bracelet modeling

1 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial you can see how to model a bracelet with the free 3D CAD software FreeCAD. This tutorial is not for beginners. I used the following workbenches: Sketcher, Part and Draft.

Draft split on curved faces.

1 0 Intermediate
In general, I used the surface representing the parting line to 'split' feature the solid geometry into "a" and "b" halves, and then used the parting line type draft feature to add the draft relative to plane1. Had to move some of the filleting to "after" the split and draft work to get it to flow correctly, and suppressed a bunch of stuff that was making life difficult for the parting line drafts. Here's a screenshot of the draft check set at 1 degree, and I uploaded your file with my tweaks. Hope this gets you close to what your after!

How to add a taper/draft angle

1 0 Beginner
Here is the basic Step by Step tutorial for how to add a draft in SolidWorks