
Sweep with multiple sections

3 0 Beginner
For this we have to use swept blend command.

CATIA V5 - Overview of the Selection Traps

0 0 Beginner
By default, Rectangle Selection Mode is active but it will be deactivated as soon as you select another mode. In fact, these selection modes are exclusive and only one mode at a time can be active. If you select a mode other than the default one then deselect it, then the default mode is automatically activated.

How to create a mechanism with more than two gears in CATIA

0 2 Beginner
Thanks for the reply. Will this solution work also for stationary rotating gears though? In the end I found a way of doing it that seems to work ok. I didn't use the gear connection funtion between the gears but instead left the axial rotation of all the connected gears as independant variables. These can then be related to one another at the end by creating a relationship of the commanding variables. I'm using Catia in German so I don't know exactly how the commands are called in the English version but in the mechanism under Befehle (so "commands" I guess) double click to view the properties and then use Verknüpfungen (Relationships would be the English translation I guess). This requires a sketch of a line that is in the same plane as the face of the gears and causes all gears to rotate with the same angular velocity. You can edit the velocity for each individual gear however by editing the function (the fx button) in the window as you create the Verknupfung. Hopefully this is clearer in the little tutorial I've put below

How to model a two or more thread starts in Solidworks

0 1 Beginner
How to create a two or more thread starts in Solidworks:

How to Open a Part in Multiple Views in NX

0 0 Beginner
In this tutorial video you'll learn how to open a part in multiple views in Siemens NX Cad Software. Don't forget to Subscribe for more upcoming videos. Thanks for watching. ⚫ Subscribe for more Videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCweq62mK_L4_HEoO8DvT7Gg?sub_confirmation=1

How to pattern STL models in CATIA V5

0 0 Beginner
If you ever wonder how to pattern multiple STL files within CATIA V5.

How To Model Board Pin in SOLIDWORKS With Render in Keyshot |Scale Command |Keyshot Rendering Tip|

0 0 Beginner
Hi friends welcome back to CADable. In this tutorial, I will show you from SOLIDWORKS design tree how I modeled a board pin in SOLIDWORKS2020 with rendering in Keyshot9. I will also show you two important tips: a) SOLIDWORKS Scale Command b) Keyshot Rendering (Single Body With Multiple Material) It is a good exercise for beginners and it will be a good practice for beginners. Kindly use play pause technique for practice. I have attached files in the description for practice. Feel free to ask your queries in comment section. I will try to answer each and every question. Keep practicing as practice makes a man perfect. #solidworks_scale #scaling_in_solidworks #Keyshot_rendering_tip #solidworks2020_tutorial_for_beginners #CADable #keyshot9tutorials #keyshottutorialforbeginners For Files: https://grabcad.com/library/board-pin-3 Follow our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CADable​

3D Modelling And Animating Gears

0 0 Beginner
3D Modelling And Animating Gears Interactive CAD & Tech A Playlist of how to 3D model and create gears in Solidworks Video 1- Creating The Gear Base Model Video 2- Making Multiple Gear Sizes Using Design Tables Video 3- Creating A Gear Assembly & Animating