
Way to reach the drafting menu

1 0 Expert
The way to reach the drafting menu is as follows.

Drawing a sample piece

1 0 Expert
A sample piece drawing is as follows.

Torsion Bar Analysis using CATIA Generative Structural Analysis (FEA)

0 0 Expert
This BND TechSource video shows how to use CATIA Generative Structural Analysis (FEA) to prove shape change affects the spring rate of a torsion bar. Please visit us at: https://bndtechsource.wixsite.com/home Torsion bar calculations with FEA results (Excel): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fcnP6UekxEIm6hFiCFfc2Qd9F2D60D7H/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114849995441101610372&rtpof=true&sd=true

Sheet Metal Rolling Machine

0 0 Expert
Sheet metal rolling machine

Flower Pot Design in CATIA V5

0 0 Expert
This video is How to draw the flower pot (vase) using CATIA V5 , Make simple

Tutorial: how to correctly upload an assembly model (Part 3: standard format)

0 0 Expert
Different file format may contain different type of geometric information and they are then suitable for different use.


0 0 Expert

Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience

0 0 Expert
Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6487644987675803648


0 0 Expert
Part Modeling

Catia Part Modeling

0 0 Expert
Part Modeling

Fruit Basket using CATIA V5 software|3d model|modeling software

0 0 Expert
My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7T3... This Channel Contains Topics about: -Alibre Design -Catia v5 -Ansys And MORE ***SUBSCRIBE***

Diseña una Pieza Compleja con Superficies en Generative Shape Design

0 0 Expert
Este es el capitulo 11 del curso de masterCAD de Generative Shape Design, superficies avanzadas. En este caso vamos a enfrentarnos a una pieza que aunque inicialmente no parece muy complicada, después vemos que da ciertos problemas en la multisection. Si te gustaría tomar el curso completo, puedes comprarlo en linea aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fcurso-superficies-catiav5-12h O si prefieres un curso basico de Part Design, puede hacer este otro: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fpart-design-online-12h También puedes probar nuestros cursos Online gratuitamente aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/start/ Video indice: Metodología de resolución -- 00:10 Curva guia inferior -- 06:00 Curva guia superior -- 15:00 Curva guia lateral -- 19:20 Sección A -- 22:00 Sección B -- 27:50 Sección C -- 33:40 Sección D -- 36:45 Multisection 1 / Multisection 2 -- 46:40 / 54:55 Split / Fill -- 48:20 ; 59:55 Closing Points -- 50:45 Close Surface -- 01:00:30 Si tienes dudas, escríbenos a: mastercad@mastercad.com.mx Whatsapp: 22 22 83 51 57 www.mastercad.com.mx

Catia PartModeling

0 0 Expert