
Auto-cad Secret's Exposed.....!!!

0 0 Intermediate
Here is the third one from starting:-

Auto-cad Secret's Exposed.....!!!

0 0 Intermediate
zooming is the need for designer to work in specific part or to review the model from closer/far they wish to.

How to create Rib on cylindrical part

0 0 Intermediate
i hope this helps

How to convert a .step file into a solid object in autocad

0 0 Intermediate
You can use Autodesk Inventor Fusion for converting Step file to DWG file!!!! Step 1:- Open Autodesk Inventor Fusion and Open the Step File which you want to convert Step 2:-Now press Save Button Step 3:-And give a name for your file and the Save as type should be dwg format and finally hit Save option Step 4:- Launch Autocad and Open your converted file....

how to draft a part file alone in assembly model

0 0 Intermediate
Here is the tutorial showing how you can do drafting of a selected part directly from assembly.

how to mdel a car front bunper in Autocad?

0 0 Intermediate
you can use sweep+union and some copies +subtraction for making it like

How do I quickly add constraints in the CATIA sketcher?

0 0 Intermediate
Follow the step after selecting the sketch!! and you are done.

how do i hide all planes,constraints in assembly in CATIA ?

0 0 Intermediate
or u can use view options, using customize view parameters. like picture. Necmi

Tutorial : Creating Gear Joints in CATIA

0 0 Intermediate
Here's the simple way to get Gear Joints

Tutorial : Creating Screw Joints in CATIA

0 0 Intermediate
Ok So here we will discuss how to create a screw joint.

Diseña una Pieza Compleja con Superficies en Generative Shape Design

0 0 Expert
Este es el capitulo 11 del curso de masterCAD de Generative Shape Design, superficies avanzadas. En este caso vamos a enfrentarnos a una pieza que aunque inicialmente no parece muy complicada, después vemos que da ciertos problemas en la multisection. Si te gustaría tomar el curso completo, puedes comprarlo en linea aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fcurso-superficies-catiav5-12h O si prefieres un curso basico de Part Design, puede hacer este otro: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fpart-design-online-12h También puedes probar nuestros cursos Online gratuitamente aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/start/ Video indice: Metodología de resolución -- 00:10 Curva guia inferior -- 06:00 Curva guia superior -- 15:00 Curva guia lateral -- 19:20 Sección A -- 22:00 Sección B -- 27:50 Sección C -- 33:40 Sección D -- 36:45 Multisection 1 / Multisection 2 -- 46:40 / 54:55 Split / Fill -- 48:20 ; 59:55 Closing Points -- 50:45 Close Surface -- 01:00:30 Si tienes dudas, escríbenos a: mastercad@mastercad.com.mx Whatsapp: 22 22 83 51 57 www.mastercad.com.mx

AutoCAD Tutorial - Modeling Hex key triangle wrench spanner

0 0 Expert
AutoCAD Tutorial - Modeling Hex key triangle wrench spanner

[VIDEO] AutoCAD Tutorial - Part 1

0 0 Beginner
In this video I discussed about four very basic commands of AutoCAD namely- 1. Line 2. Rectangle 3. Circle 4. Trim Along with this I also discussed how can we measure the dimensions of line and circle using the dimension linear and radius / diameter command. The shortcut of all these commands are mentioned below: Line: L + enter Circle: C + enter Rectangle: Rec + enter Trim: Tr + enter + enter Dimension linear: Dli + Enter Dimension Radius: Dra + enter Dimension Diameter: Ddi + enter If you like this video please share the video and subscribe my youtube channel Aviation archive.

[VIDEO] Use of federation in join tool

0 4 Intermediate
Use of federation in join tool See video: - https://youtu.be/1tIO_FipoRI

Dibujo de hongo - tangencias

0 0 Intermediate
Le idea de este modelo es probar las estrategias de AutoCAD para el dibujo de tangencias, usando la opción de Tangente-tangente-radio y la opción de Tangencia en el comando Line