
how do I create a cutlist in autocad

0 0 Intermediate
your tutorial is here

How can i convert the catia files into .3dm .stl .prt etc files ?

0 0 Intermediate
I think you have both catia and solidworks with you. Save the files in .cgr or .igs format using your own catia. Then open it in solidworks and save it to desired format using save as button..........

Auto-cad Secret's Exposed.....!!!

0 0 Intermediate
Here is the third one from starting:-

Auto-cad Secret's Exposed.....!!!

0 0 Intermediate
zooming is the need for designer to work in specific part or to review the model from closer/far they wish to.

How to create Rib on cylindrical part

0 0 Intermediate
i hope this helps

How to convert a .step file into a solid object in autocad

0 0 Intermediate
You can use Autodesk Inventor Fusion for converting Step file to DWG file!!!! Step 1:- Open Autodesk Inventor Fusion and Open the Step File which you want to convert Step 2:-Now press Save Button Step 3:-And give a name for your file and the Save as type should be dwg format and finally hit Save option Step 4:- Launch Autocad and Open your converted file....

how to draft a part file alone in assembly model

0 0 Intermediate
Here is the tutorial showing how you can do drafting of a selected part directly from assembly.

how to mdel a car front bunper in Autocad?

0 0 Intermediate
you can use sweep+union and some copies +subtraction for making it like

How do I quickly add constraints in the CATIA sketcher?

0 0 Intermediate
Follow the step after selecting the sketch!! and you are done.

how do i hide all planes,constraints in assembly in CATIA ?

0 0 Intermediate
or u can use view options, using customize view parameters. like picture. Necmi

Tutorial : Creating Gear Joints in CATIA

0 0 Intermediate
Here's the simple way to get Gear Joints

Tutorial : Creating Screw Joints in CATIA

0 0 Intermediate
Ok So here we will discuss how to create a screw joint.

Diseña una Pieza Compleja con Superficies en Generative Shape Design

0 0 Expert
Este es el capitulo 11 del curso de masterCAD de Generative Shape Design, superficies avanzadas. En este caso vamos a enfrentarnos a una pieza que aunque inicialmente no parece muy complicada, después vemos que da ciertos problemas en la multisection. Si te gustaría tomar el curso completo, puedes comprarlo en linea aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fcurso-superficies-catiav5-12h O si prefieres un curso basico de Part Design, puede hacer este otro: https://mastercad.com.mx/cursos-1?olsPage=products%2Fpart-design-online-12h También puedes probar nuestros cursos Online gratuitamente aquí: https://mastercad.com.mx/start/ Video indice: Metodología de resolución -- 00:10 Curva guia inferior -- 06:00 Curva guia superior -- 15:00 Curva guia lateral -- 19:20 Sección A -- 22:00 Sección B -- 27:50 Sección C -- 33:40 Sección D -- 36:45 Multisection 1 / Multisection 2 -- 46:40 / 54:55 Split / Fill -- 48:20 ; 59:55 Closing Points -- 50:45 Close Surface -- 01:00:30 Si tienes dudas, escríbenos a: mastercad@mastercad.com.mx Whatsapp: 22 22 83 51 57 www.mastercad.com.mx

AutoCAD Tutorial - Modeling Hex key triangle wrench spanner

0 0 Expert
AutoCAD Tutorial - Modeling Hex key triangle wrench spanner

[VIDEO] AutoCAD Tutorial - Part 1

0 0 Beginner
In this video I discussed about four very basic commands of AutoCAD namely- 1. Line 2. Rectangle 3. Circle 4. Trim Along with this I also discussed how can we measure the dimensions of line and circle using the dimension linear and radius / diameter command. The shortcut of all these commands are mentioned below: Line: L + enter Circle: C + enter Rectangle: Rec + enter Trim: Tr + enter + enter Dimension linear: Dli + Enter Dimension Radius: Dra + enter Dimension Diameter: Ddi + enter If you like this video please share the video and subscribe my youtube channel Aviation archive.