
Saving your Fusion 360 design in your local storage

11 0 Intermediate
Hi @https://grabcad.com/cyrhuz.sortijas.bocar-1, You've mentioned earlier that your license is about to expire. The good news is it will prompt you options of renewing your educational license. I figured that you asked about these because you're worried that your precious thesis file that you put in so much effort will be lost. Luckily all design files from f360 is saved in the cloud (internet connection required). So there's pretty much nothing to worry about. Anyhow, here's a quick tutorial on how to save your f360 design file on your local storage as a safety precaution.

Exportar Modelo de SolidWorks a Componente ScketchUp

2 0 Beginner
Exporta un modelo SolidWorks a Componente ScketchUp

Como Exportar do Sketchup para STL - Aquivo SKP para STL

2 0 Beginner

Tutorial: how to correctly upload an assembly model

2 0 Beginner
Looking through the uploaded models, I found many assembly models that are actually useless because the assembly parts are missing. While uploading an assembly model created with Solidworks, Slid Edge, Catia, NX or other MCAD systems, you should be aware that the upload of the .asm (or .product) it is not enough. You must upload also the part files (.par or .CATPart) in order to make the full assembly visible and usable.

3D Model File Format Conversion Methods

1 0 Intermediate
3D Model File Format Conversion Methods 2-Way Conversion: .stp/.step to .wrl .wrl to .stp/.step

How to import 3D meshes with appearance properties in Fusion 360

1 0 Beginner
Case study regarding various models imported with visual appearances in Fusion 360

Fusion 360 - Import 3D scans with textures

0 0 Intermediate
Importing 3D scans with textures into Fusion 360 is not a straightforward process. Depending on the file format there are additional steps that need to be done regarding the texture. Usually the best solution is to retexture the model within Blender.