
Параметризация модели через переменные в "Компас-3D"

13 0 Intermediate
Tutorial relevant for users "Kompas-3D". I don't know if they "Kompas-3D" is used in other countries, but I know "Kompas-3D" most popular in Russia, so further explanation will be in Russian. If you need English version, please comment tutorial, and I make translate. В данной заметке рассмотрено построение параметрической модели на примере корпуса микросхем типа QFP, модель строится в САПР «Компас-3D». Представленный ниже способ - лишь один из многих возможных. И я искренне надеюсь, что кому-то он поможет лучше разобраться 3D моделированием, а кто-то увидит, как оптимизировать процесс. Несмотря на то, что построение модели выполнялось в «Компас-3D», подобные механизмы могут присутствовать и в иных системах, так что возможно пригодится пользователям другого ПО. Описанный ниже способ предполагает наличие определенного навыка работы с 3D моделями, и не содержит подробного описания последовательностей нажатия клавиш, скорее описана методика построения и взаимосвязь объектов.

tutorial : how to open solidworks files in sketchup

8 4 Intermediate
open solidworks files in sketchup

Mastercam 2021 (CAD+CAM)

6 2 Intermediate
Mastercam 2021 3D Modeling tutorial

Grabcad car

4 3 Beginner
How to make a grabcad car

simple 3d rectangle

4 2 Beginner
This will teach you how to make a simple 3d rectangle using sketchup.

How to make tangent cuts to a curved solid

4 0 Intermediate
Hi ! If only rendering is necessary , basic SW material such as perforated rubber can make the job. Arrange color, resize map scale and it will be done.

(VIDEO) Export SolidWorks File to Sketchup (English)

4 0 Intermediate
================= ================= DO NOT CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/projetos_infinity ================= ================= Export SolidWorks File to Sketchup (English) Exporting and Importing from Solidworks to Sketchup In this tutorial I explain how to export from sketchup to solidworks, and give tips on how to use solidworks power surfacing tools, and teach you how to paint stl files. join our youtube community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF2k47g7uAo0lM-kA13V6jQ?sub_confirmation=1 see how I exported this sketchup human to solidworks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPsQDriOrIA Here's how to take a solidworks whatsapp course with me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQgoTn96wAw&t=174s

SketchUp Tutorials for Interior design - 09 The shadows

3 2 Beginner
SketchUp Tutorials for Interior design Please click on link for Watch Video . https://youtu.be/vkE7d92-DO4 Please like and subscribe channel for more update.

Make a Motorcycle in TinkerCAD

3 0 Beginner
Design a motorcycle in TinkerCAD. Step by Step instructions that are written for middle school aged students. If you have dual screens, watch on one, complete on the other. Otherwise, watch a little, then do a little. If you make something awesome, share an image @HLModtech on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

scaling in Tinker CAD

3 1 Beginner
How to use TinkerCAD.

Exportar Modelo de SolidWorks a Componente ScketchUp

2 0 Beginner
Exporta un modelo SolidWorks a Componente ScketchUp

Como Exportar do Sketchup para STL - Aquivo SKP para STL

2 0 Beginner

How do I change the scale in a DXF when I import it into Mastercam?

2 1 Beginner
Here is what I did. Sorry about my bad english.

How to smooth sides

2 0 Intermediate
This will teach you how to smoothen the sides of a shape.

Sketch Up Web- Tutorial For Beginners

2 1 Beginner
This video is of Sketch Up Web- Tutorial For Beginners covering the basics Covered In This Video - Viewing The Model - Manipulating Views -Drawing Basics -Creating 3D Objects