
Frame Generation Autodesk Inventor

7 0 Expert
Como criar um componentes para ser usado no processo de geração de frame no Autodesk Inventor

Como dimensionar la matriz y los punzones de un troquel de corte

6 1 Expert
Con este tutorial pretendemos explicar como dimensionar la matriz y los punzones de un troquel de corte, garantizando la tolerancia de fabricación de la pieza así como logrando la mayor vida útil del troquel.

Inventor / Top-down design method / Screw jack

6 0 Expert
This is the second installment of real design examples using the top-down design method. This time we will show an example of a screw jack design.


4 1 Expert
hammer mill CELL PHONE +51 975999758 EFFICIENCY 5 to 15 TPH lima - Peru


2 0 Expert
The lever with a spring two-position

Autodesk Inventor Part And Assembly Design Exercises Tutorial

2 0 Expert
autodesk inventor Part Design & Assembly Learn In easy Way. Training Video For professional Designer. See All Design To Learn to Design and assemble The Parts in Diff Ways And Methods. Check The Playlist For More Updates In all Kind Of Design Software Subscribe.

Designing mold

0 0 Expert


0 0 Expert