
can you give drawing models with dimensions to practice?

13 0 Intermediate

Standard Parts Online Library (3D Model & 2D Drawing)

8 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial U can find Standard Parts Online Library (3D Model & 2D Drawing) so u can directly used ...

can you give drawing models with dimensions to practice?

7 0 Intermediate
practice models

Tutorial: Welding In Proe

4 0 Intermediate
Welding in Pro E (Creo 2)

How to model a simplified toilet in BricsCAD

3 1 Intermediate
Key commands covered: DMSIMPLIFY Extrude - taper DMTHICKEN ISOLATEOBJECTS HIDEOBJECTS UNISOLATEOBJECTS SolidEdit - Body - seParate Components library (BricsCAD Mechanical only)

Complete AutoCAD Commands & AutoCAD Shortcuts

2 0 Intermediate
Start AutoCAD in command window just type: aliasedit and enter now your AutoCAD command list is open you can edit any command with your name or any alphabet

Isometric Dimensioning in Autocad

2 0 Intermediate
In this video I explain about Isometric Dimensioning in Autocad

How to analyse Pro Engineer component in Ansys 10.0 welding property?

2 0 Intermediate
u can weld through following step in workbench There are one "WELD" option in geometry. there u can create weld

Old Fashioned style staircase

1 0 Intermediate
Learn BricsCAD with practical examples. This week, learn how to use advanced modeling techniques to make a set of stairs in CAD. Commands covered: DIV(DIVIDE) AR(ARRAY)/Path AR(ARRAY)/Polar SWEEP REV(REVOLVE) EXT(EXTRUDE)/Both sides 3P(3DPOLY) IAT(IMAGEATTACH)

Use Ansys SpaceClaim to Model Twisted Pair Wire

2 0 Intermediate
Before I know how to do it, I cannot get any useful tips while I googling, it seems very hard. But it is very easy now. This tutorial will help you to model a simple twisted pair wire, for detailed twisted pair wire you can explore it by yourself. A model which modeled by this tutorial is in this linked page: https://grabcad.com/library/w-1930-1575-twisted-pair-wire-1.

Smoking Shelter

1 0 Intermediate
Building the smoking shelter. I have full workshop drawings for making all of the parts. Contact me at gbm60@hotmail.com if you are interested in making the first real one.

how i can get STEP / IGES ???

1 0 Intermediate
STEP / IGES in catia , solidworks , 3ds max , inventor pro .......

How to Copy-Paste parameters from one part to another in Pro-E?

1 0 Intermediate
It doesn't the parameters if there is a parameter which has a restriction. I've deselected those parameters and copy and paste the rest into the part. You will have to create the restricted parameters yourself.

how to do wire rope in pro e

1 1 Intermediate
wire rope can be design by using WRAP command.