
Convert STL to Solid Part | Reverse Engineering Exercise | Solid Edge 2022

5 0 Intermediate
In this video, we will practice reverse engineering to convert STL files into Solid Parts using Solid Edge. This video also contains troubleshooting problems found during the process. So make sure you don't miss the step-by-step. Reliable 3D Technology Services: https://evolusi3d.com/ Let's connected! LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsi-fathurrahman/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/arsi_fathur/ Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mas_arushi Thanks for watching! #reverseengineering #stltosolidpart #solidedge #3D scanner #convertstl #tutorialsolidedge

Solid Edge import files with vertex colour

3 0 Intermediate
How to create and import files into Solid Edge with vertex colour. With this little tutorial, it is possible to import into Solid Edge (2020) files that had before texture and mesh. For this you need Mesh Lab, TCvis (Teamcenter) or PLMvis and Solid Edge (2020). In Mesh Lab you can import every file it can read and export it to WRL (VRML).

Steel stairs parametric design overview

2 0 Intermediate
Quick overview of Solid Edge and Excel integration for parametric design using steel stairs as example.

Modelling of a Vacuum Cleaner Propeller in Solid Edge

1 0 Intermediate
This is a clip from the modelling process of this propeller in Solid Edge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbwxF4y-SJE

CONVEYOR easy assembly

1 0 Intermediate
Easy assembly of Conveyor rolle

Tutorial: how to model a spiral in Solid Edge (example 2)

1 1 Intermediate
In order to get our spiral, we can use the advanced options of the helix command as shown in the following

Multi-CAD Modification in Solid Edge | Synchronous Technology

1 0 Intermediate
In this video I will share about the multi-CAD modification feature using Solid Edge. This feature makes it easier for us to do editing and development on parts even though the part files come from different CAD file formats. By utilizing the synchronous feature, it makes the part modification process very easy and fast. So make sure you watch the video to the end. Join the community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13995622/ Reliable 3D Technology Services: https://evolusi3d.com/ Let's connected! LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsi-fathurrahman/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/arsi_fathur/ Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mas_arushi Thanks for watching!

Frame Design in Solid Edge

0 0 Intermediate
You Can Download all these CAD Models for practice from my Google Drive Links https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8pWCXVom2yfV1ZFc1VVbFF5T28 In this video you will design

How to fix "Profile is not closed" in ST6?

0 0 Intermediate
You must use the constraints in the relate tab. In your particular case, try the link constraint (I'm not sure about its name in the English version of SE interface. Have a look at the attached image). You can also have a look at this video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwvUZ1Q52vg