
Part View Labels with BOM item number

11 2 Intermediate
Set Your Drawing View Labels to Use BOM item numbers.

Keyshot to GrabCAD Print Quick Guide for Packaging 3D Printing

4 1 Intermediate
The world of packaging design is constantly evolving. It takes time, expertise and production capabilities at the final stage of creating your design’s prototype. Stratasys J series printers shorten this process, reduce your iterations and bring your design to life in a matter of hours. With vibrant colors, adjusted transparencies and completely new features in the world of 3D printing, you can now print accurate color for liquids, physical packaging, and even labels. This tutorial will take you step by step from your CAD file, to realistic render in Keyshot and finally, to an unbelievably realistic 3D print, printed by your J series printer.

Inventor VBA to control sheet metal property

2 0 Beginner
This is a short part#1 video of a VBA program I made to control iProperty in inventor.

iProperties - Custom - Autodesk Inventor Pro

1 0 Beginner
Legendas - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4. Preencher as informações do item no 3D utilizando a ferramenta: - iProperties - Custom. Esta ferramenta facilita e muito. Após terminar o 3D, conjunto ou componente, ao iniciar o 2D, todas as informações da legenda já estarão no devido Formato.

Animación Pulidora en Inventor Studio

0 0 Intermediate
Pasos de como animar una Pulidora en Inventor Studio