
Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of Modified Compact-Tension Specimen - ANSYS Workbench

30 8 Intermediate
This tutorial includes step-by-step fatigue crack analysis of Modified Compact-Tension Specimen.

Introduction to Finite Element Method /CAE

18 0 Beginner
Finite Element Method for product design and process improvement.

Learn Step by Step How to do Flow Simulation in SolidWorks on Cross Flow Turbine

18 0 Beginner
In this solidworks flow simulation tutorial you will learn how to do flow simulation on a hydro turbine, in this video I am going to do external flow simulation.


17 0 Expert
Here we are find the forces as well as pressure exerted on fan blade at the wind speed of 60kmph by using of ANSYS

Keyshot Animation Tutorial Using Simple Model Of High Bypass Turbojet Engine

15 2 Beginner
In this tutorial i have used keyshot software for animation purpose. I have used a 3D model of a High Bypass Turbojet Engine for denomsration. It took couple of hours to create the animation video that's why i have skipped that part from the video.

2. Solving 2D Problems

14 0 Beginner
In this tutorial we will discuss about the 2D problems which involve defining boundary condition and solving them. Iam going to create the nozzle with the air velocity inlet (ideal) and pressure outlet. Improving mesh obtain good result.

Spring stiffness calculation in SOLIDWORKS

14 1 Intermediate
How to calculate spring stiffness with Solidworks simulation @cadingal . Static structural analysis of a helicoil spring will be done using self contact approach to calculate spring stiffness in Solidworks.

Linear Static Study in 10 simple steps.

14 0 Intermediate
Linear Static Study with SolidEdge.

SolidWorks Flow Simulation Tutorial with Rotating Region on Run of River Hydro Turbine

14 0 Beginner
In this solidworks video tutorial you will learn how to do External Flow Simulation in solidworks with water and rotating region. About this Channel Here you will find Videos Related to 1. SolidWorks 2. Hydro Power 3. FYP Designing and Manufacturing. 4. Electrical Engineering 5. 3D Printing 6. Low RPM Alternators 7. Manufacturing of Hydro Turbines Subscribe to this channel for all updates mentioned above. SolidWorks Complete Learning Step by Step from Basics to Advanced Level: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJR3qNZXHShwwR3BJzyv-5-Woled6n9KR Urdu / Hindi SolidWorks Learning : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJR3qNZXHShze-ZcfiGpsMjzfLY2e9Pyk Want me to Design Project for You??? Contact Me My Facebook id: https://www.facebook.com/usman.akhtar.5 My Page link: https://www.facebook.com/solid.online.Training

Side Pole Test - High Speed Impact - Explicit Dynamics - ANSYS Workbench

13 0 Intermediate
Explicit dynamics is a time integration method used to perform dynamic simulations when speed is important. Explicit dynamics account for quickly changing conditions or discontinuous events, such as free falls, high-speed impacts, and applied loads. Because these “nonlinear dynamics” are integrated into the simulation, explicit dynamics is the preferred choice for simulating highly transient physical phenomena. Some side impacts involve a vehicle travelling sideways into rigid roadside objects such as trees or poles. Often this is the result of a loss of control on the part of the driver, owing to speeding, misjudgement of a corner or because of a skid in slippery conditions.

Simulation of Two Flanges with Bolts

12 10 Intermediate
Solidworks Simulation, Bolt connection

vehicle driving simulation in solidworks

12 1 Expert
vehicle driving simulation in solidworks visualize For the first time..!!! Follow us to support: https://www.instagram.com/mortezapadarlar/

Spur Gear Set - Stress Evaluation

11 0 Beginner
Spur gears have their teeth cut parallel to the axis of the shaft on which the gears are mounted, transmitting power between the parallel shafts. To maintain a constant angular velocity ratio, two meshing gears must satisfy a fundamental law of gearing: the shape of the teeth must be such that the common normal at the point of contact between two teeth must always pass through a fixed point on the line of centers. The contact point is called the pitch point. The goal is to assess the maximum stress during the transmission of the torque. By engineering judgement, the maximum stress occurs either at a contact point or at the root of a tooth due to the bending of the tooth. Since there is no restriction of deformation in the depth direction, i.e.,the gears are free to expand (or contract) in the depth direction, so it is modeled as a plane stress problem.

Car Design fluid flow anlysis |ANSYS|

10 0 Beginner
Model car air flow anlysis in Ansys.

[VIDEO] Several Ansys Fluent and CFX CFD tutorials

10 1 Intermediate
How to achieve 2D and 3D CFD simulations with commerical CFD software ? This tutorial shows how to simulate different task with fluent and cfx If you like this, please sucribe my Youtube channel !