How to use helical sweep cut to make threads in Pro-E\Creo ??

Ok lets get started...
Used a simple bolt....
Step 1:
Go to insert and select "helical sweep" -> "cut" option....
A dialog box will opens with a menu manager.... -
Step 2:
Now we will keep everything in "default" state as selected by software.See the menu manager.(you can make threads right/left handed,variable/constant pitch etc..)
Press "done"..... -
Step 3:
Nextly select a plane on which sweep profle has to be made...
or select a plane passing through the axis of the bolt.... -
Step 4:
Select "okay"....
Step 5:
Its looking for a reference firstly the sketch view and then the reference plane(in this i've selected plane on the fastener)....
Step 6:
Firstly make centre line.....
Now start sketching the length of thread(defined by length of line),depth of cut(defined by distance of line below the bolt surface).... -
Step 7:
enter pitch value........
Step 8:
Make the profile of the cut to be made........
Step 9:
Select the side from which material is removed.......
Step 10: