Solid Edge Tutorials | How to use Mounting Boss command for Plastic Design

How to use Mounting Boss command for Plastic Design. Video tutorials bellow.

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  1. Step 1: How to add Mounting Boss Features

    Video tutorials show How to add Mounting Boss Features

  2. Step 2: Example to use Mounting Boss command

    Create Mounting Boss for Plastic model as picture shown bellow

  3. Step 3: Select plane to create a Mounting Boss

    In the Solids group, choose the Mounting Boss command on the Thin Wall

    drop list

    On the Mounting Boss command bar, click the Parallel Plane option

    Select the bottom plane as shown

    On the command bar, type 10 in the Distance field. Position the parallel plane

    above the bottom plane as shown and click.

  4. Step 4: Mounting Boss Options

    On the command bar, click the Mounting Boss Options button and set the

    Mounting Boss Options as shown and click OK.

  5. Step 5: Define position and extent direction

    Position the bosses as shown and then click Close Sketch

    Define the extent direction as shown

    Click Finish
