

13 0 Intermediate
LUGER 9 mm See video. https://youtu.be/ifvvpdlOeuQ

how to model a car in autodesk alias????

5 3 Intermediate
Surface modeling Aston Martin One-77 in the Alias surface from AUTODESK

FREE Autodesk Alias Tutorial Day 1

8 0 Beginner
Education should be free... A friend, a collegue and like myself Adrian is an expert Alias modeller with extensive years of experience working with OEM design studios https://www.youtube.com/c/AdrianAutodeskAlias @a.biggins.design I will begin to upload tutorials that will teach you from the moment you open Alias for the first time, setting Alias up for efficient work flow and together build a full exterior CAS model and render it. In my opinion this is as close as you can get to seeing the work flow and theory we work towards within OEM studios day to day.

How to start working in Alias Design

0 1 Beginner
The first thing you will need is to download an original copy of the program at the Autodesk Education Community Website (Please Do not use counterfit products) The student version is good for one year and has all features enabled. http://students.autodesk.com/


1 1 Beginner
See video. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=ki-eW7W6Bnc


1 2 Beginner
PLASTIC COVER & MOLD See video: https://youtu.be/GIDRJFsyOpY

Параметризация модели через переменные в "Компас-3D"

13 0 Intermediate
Tutorial relevant for users "Kompas-3D". I don't know if they "Kompas-3D" is used in other countries, but I know "Kompas-3D" most popular in Russia, so further explanation will be in Russian. If you need English version, please comment tutorial, and I make translate. В данной заметке рассмотрено построение параметрической модели на примере корпуса микросхем типа QFP, модель строится в САПР «Компас-3D». Представленный ниже способ - лишь один из многих возможных. И я искренне надеюсь, что кому-то он поможет лучше разобраться 3D моделированием, а кто-то увидит, как оптимизировать процесс. Несмотря на то, что построение модели выполнялось в «Компас-3D», подобные механизмы могут присутствовать и в иных системах, так что возможно пригодится пользователям другого ПО. Описанный ниже способ предполагает наличие определенного навыка работы с 3D моделями, и не содержит подробного описания последовательностей нажатия клавиш, скорее описана методика построения и взаимосвязь объектов.

How to create structural shape in Bricscad?

0 0 Beginner
Bricscad Platinum has X-Hardware library included. You can find shapes, bolts, nuts, washers and other parts inside.

TUTORIAL 54: Solidworks / KeyCreator

0 0 Beginner
See Video: https://youtu.be/Iabs4R-oQUE

How to sweep object in Bricscad?

0 0 Beginner
It is easy to sweep object using XSWEEP command in Bricscad Platinum.

How to model a simplified toilet in BricsCAD

3 1 Intermediate
Key commands covered: DMSIMPLIFY Extrude - taper DMTHICKEN ISOLATEOBJECTS HIDEOBJECTS UNISOLATEOBJECTS SolidEdit - Body - seParate Components library (BricsCAD Mechanical only)

What is Drawing Intent Recognition option in Bricscad?

0 0 Beginner
Bricscad Platinum provides the ability to edit non-parametric geometry without the need to understand the design history of the geometry. This allows to preserve the correct relationships between selected geometry (e.g., tangency, concentricity, ...) and makes the editing process less time and labor intensive. Design Intent option can be switched on/off and also different recognition options combined at your choice.

Aprenda a modelar con KeyCreator

0 0 Beginner
Primeros pasos para comenzar a utilizar KeyCreator, este tutorial le ayudará a inciarse en este mundo del modelado por edición directa.


2 0 Beginner
COVID MASK DESIGN See video: https://youtu.be/dUNSE50tm58


0 0 Beginner
3D part exercise. See video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R-3CWYiajc