
How to Raise Your GrabCAD Score

81 31 Beginner
Your score on GrabCAD is not terribly important, but it is nice to have a better score, and not be "ranked" dead last on a site with four million users. What can you do to increase your score?

Cap screws and machine screws

65 12 Intermediate
Cap screws and machine screws are similar in shape, differing only in their relative sizes. Machine screws are usually smaller in size, compared to cap screws. These are used for fastening two parts, one with clearance hole and the other with tapped hole. The clearance of the unthreaded hole need not be shown on the drawing as its presence is obvious. Figure 5.24 shows different types of cap and machine screws, with proportions marked Cap screws are produced in finish form and are used on machines where accuracy and appearance are important. As cap screws are inferior to studs, they are used only on machines requiring few adjustments and are not suitable where frequent removal is necessary. These are produced in different diameters, upto a maximum of 100 mm and lengths 250 mm. Machine screws are produced with a naturally bright finish and are not heat treated. They are particularly adopted for screwing into thin materials and the smaller ones are threaded throughout the length. They are used in fire-arms, jigs, fixture and dies. They are produced in different diameters upto a maximum of 20 mm and lengths upto 50 mm.

Conceptual Design Challenge: Artificial Gravity for Human Colonies on the Moon and Mars

51 48 Intermediate
Provide artificial gravity to human colonies based on habitats predefined by NASA, ideally matching terrestrial conditions, to mitigate the harmful effects of microgravity on health in the medium and long term.

Creativity in Engineering - Part 4 "CPDC results"

49 5 Beginner
Final list of proposals. Deadline for submissions: April 24 at 11:55 p.m. Added reflections and lessons learned and to be learned!

I Built a Military Robot

44 6 Intermediate
Mobile, military robot optimized for use in desert environments which can be controlled remotely or autonomously and can collect/ stream video to a VR headset via its front mounted camera. The method of movement is a continuous track, created using steel roller chain connected by fasteners with 3D printed links. These loops sit on a custom designed drive sprocket and idler sprocket with 4 shock absorber loaded roller pins that act as the suspension system. The drive motors are powered by '18650' batteries, directed by a raspberry pi 4 and connected to a motor controller. For connectivity, a mobile device can connect to the pi's external antenna as it is a WiFi access point. From here, directions can be sent to the robot from the mobile device using the Node Red GUI and additionally, the entirety of the main raspberry pi computer can be accessed for the use of sending custom commands for autonomous movement.

Cross & Dot Product Validated in 3D CAD

39 12 Beginner
Steps in Validating M = r X F and Maxis = U ●{​r X F}​ using 3D CAD (SolidWorks) Using problem 3-43 and 3-44 from Hibbeler Statics & Mechanics of Materials 5th Edition.

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 1

40 3 Expert
La creatividad es un concepto complejo, actualmente investigado con diferentes enfoques que iniciaron en la psicología y se extendieron a diversos campos. Este tutorial pretende mostrar algunos de sus mecanismos, con los cuales quizás muchos se sientan identificados, para mejorar nuestras prácticas de diseño. No se trata de incrementar esta capacidad (ojalá se pudiera) sino de conocer algo de ella para, al menos, no bloquearla u obstaculizarla sin darnos cuenta.

Some concepts about DIN 5480 spline dimension Part 1

38 8 Expert
For some questions that I received. I will upload some tutorials about DIN 5480 dimensions. This is a tutorial explaining some concepts on dimensions of the splines ruled by DIN 5480

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 3

36 2 Expert
(Gracias GREG PIOL!) Una forma interesante de estudiar la creatividad es observar procesos creativos con los que uno esté familiarizado. La introspección es lo tenemos más a la mano y la observación de otras personas que hacen tareas similares (como nuestros colegas que diseñan y publican en GC) es ideal. Pero requiere la colaboración de esos actores porque no solo queremos ver sus obras finales, sino tratar de entender desde dónde y cómo llegaron a ellas... y esto no es fácil de lograr. De allí mi agradecimiento a nuestro colega Greg Piol (https://grabcad.com/greg--32) que tuvo la enorme gentileza de proveerme algo del material de partida para sus maravillosos diseños: sus bocetos!

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 2

34 5 Expert
Otra arista compleja y polémica de la creatividad es su evaluación. Existen muchas propuestas plasmadas en test que intentan medir la creatividad, pero muchos expertos afirman que será difícil tener un acuerdo sobre la medición de un concepto que aún no está bien definido. De todas formas, y hasta que ese momento llegue, implementamos en el aula de una asignatura de ingeniería mecánica un test sencillo que trata de rescatar el espíritu del mejor método actual de evaluación creativa "la Técnica de Evaluación Consensuada (propuesta por Teresa de Amabile en 1982)" y adaptarlo para su uso regular en la enseñanza del diseño mecánico.

Creativity in engineering - Part 4 (English version)

33 0 Beginner
CPDC: Conceptual Postprocessing Divergent Convergent. This tutorial describes a relevant task within the conceptual engineering process that consists of post-processing the SSC (Spectrum of Solution Concepts) to understand and classify the solutions achieved, and deepen the learning of the problem. Its objective is to obtain new solutions, either by association of pre-existing ones, by the discovery of conceptual omissions or by a crisis of ideas and paradigms that induces the breaking of molds and the appearance of disruptive concepts. In order to properly contextualize this task, all the milestones of the conceptual stage are reviewed, highlighting the moment in which the CPDC is executed and glimpsing its relevance.

Transporte vibratorio - Parte 3

33 0 Intermediate
Parte 3: análisis más detallado del sistema masa-resorte considerando las predicciones teóricas para las oscilaciones forzadas y su relación con las oscilaciones naturales.

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 4

32 2 Beginner
PCDC: Postproceso Creativo Divergente Convergente Este tutorial describe una tarea relevante dentro del proceso de ingeniería conceptual que consiste en postprocesar el ECS (Espectro de Conceptos de Solución) para comprender y clasificar las soluciones alcanzadas, y profundizar en el aprendizaje del problema. Su objetivo es de obtener nuevas soluciones, ya sea por asociación de las preexistentes, por el descubrimiento de omisiones conceptuales o por una puesta en crisis de ideas y paradigmas que induce la rotura de moldes y la aparición de conceptos disruptivos. A fin de contextualizar adecuadamente esta tarea, se repasan todos los hitos de la etapa conceptual resaltando el momento en el que se ejecuta el PCDC y vislumbrando su relevancia.

How to Prepare Your 3D Model for Manufacture

32 1 Expert
Using this ladies bike model found in the thousands of models available on GrabCAD I have made a step-by-step guide on how to break down your top level assembly for the workshop or for outsourcing.

Transporte vibratorio - Parte 1

33 0 Intermediate
Un sencillo ejercicio de diseño, a partir de un concepto dado, y validación de su Efecto Útil Deseado, a través de simulaciones de movimiento. Parte 1: observar el concepto de partida, crear un modelo esquemático y ponerlo a funcionar intuitivamente.