
Onshape Tutorial Exersice

11 0 Intermediate
Sometimes you will not have Solidworks or a similar program installed on your computer. And you may have to make a model immediately. In such situations, Onshape is great. The link to the modeling file from the sample technical drawing is given below. https://cad.onshape.com/documents/51b10db64d8c10d69e04f4da/w/b4cd4b090cea13100d679675/e/741f8ec43a660ff55252cd29

volleyball in Onshape

4 0 Intermediate
I wanted to get to know Onshape better and had a look at the split, transform and pattern command. I repeated this in SolidWorks and it is the same workflow.

How to model a simplified toilet in BricsCAD

3 1 Intermediate
Key commands covered: DMSIMPLIFY Extrude - taper DMTHICKEN ISOLATEOBJECTS HIDEOBJECTS UNISOLATEOBJECTS SolidEdit - Body - seParate Components library (BricsCAD Mechanical only)

Onshape for Absolute Beginners

3 0 Beginner

How To Create Chess Queen

3 1 Beginner
Chess Queen on OnShape

Old Fashioned style staircase

1 0 Intermediate
Learn BricsCAD with practical examples. This week, learn how to use advanced modeling techniques to make a set of stairs in CAD. Commands covered: DIV(DIVIDE) AR(ARRAY)/Path AR(ARRAY)/Polar SWEEP REV(REVOLVE) EXT(EXTRUDE)/Both sides 3P(3DPOLY) IAT(IMAGEATTACH)

How to change measurement units in Onshape?

1 0 Beginner
Video tutorial to learn how to change units in Onshape.

Onshape Tutorial for Absolute Beginners

1 2 Beginner


1 0 Beginner

Wheatley core

2 0 Beginner
a tutorial on how i made a personality core

Onshape Tutorial for Beginners

1 1 Beginner

How to Download & Install Draftsight 2023

0 0 Beginner
How to Download & Install Draftsight 2023

Introducción a Onshape

0 0 Beginner
Introduccion a Onshape, En este video vemos la página de documentos de onshape y le damos un vistazo a la interface. Vemos las diferentes secciones como la barra de menú, barra de herramientas, administrador de comandos entre otras. Puedes visitar nuestro blog en http://mitutordigital.com/ También nos puedes seguir en Instagram para ver lo nuevo que estamos trabajando https://www.instagram.com/mitutordigi... O en nuestro Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mitutordigital/