
Cross & Dot Product Validated in 3D CAD

39 12 Beginner
Steps in Validating M = r X F and Maxis = U ●{​r X F}​ using 3D CAD (SolidWorks) Using problem 3-43 and 3-44 from Hibbeler Statics & Mechanics of Materials 5th Edition.

Creativity in Engineering - Part 4 "CPDC results"

31 3 Beginner
Final list of proposals. Deadline for submissions: April 24 at 11:55 p.m. Added reflections and lessons learned and to be learned!

Gear Basics Part 2

29 2 Beginner
We will start off this second gear design tutorial by looking at a few design factors we need to consider when designing a serviceable gear train.

Conceptual Design Challenge: Artificial Gravity for Human Colonies on the Moon and Mars

26 31 Intermediate
Provide artificial gravity to human colonies based on habitats predefined by NASA, ideally matching terrestrial conditions, to mitigate the harmful effects of microgravity on health in the medium and long term.

Involute profile in splines (1)

24 0 Beginner
This is a short description of how involute profiles are used in splines like DIN 5480, DIN 5482, ISO 4256, and ANSI 92.1

Mechanics Basics Part 1

23 2 Beginner
This tutorial is a look at some of the basic terms and what they represent in a basic mechanics context. Most of the basic mechanics, the starting point for good mechanical design grew out of the work of Sir Isaac Newton. Newton’s work introduced the fundamental terms and principles of mechanical design by application of the physical laws of the universe. From regularly looking at some of the questions posted here on GrabCad, even taking into consideration that for many here, English is not their main language exactly what the person asking a particular question actually wants to know, is sometimes quite hard to deduce. Some things should be universal in most languages especially when working with the ISO standard S. I. Units. As tutorials of this sort benefit from having a downloadable pdf version accompanying this online version, on Grabcad, and as the concept of providing a downloadable pdf version has not entered into GrabCad's concept of a useful feature for tutorials, I will also provide a pdf version for those that may want one. My tutorial Gear Basics Part 1 was entirely in pdf format with just a link to where you could get it from. The Grabcad management were not happy with this so they removed it. If anyone wants the pdf version just mesage me through Grabcad mail, leaving an email address to sent it to.

Designing a Hirth Spline

24 8 Beginner
Solidworks + Excel instruction on how to design a Hirth Spline. Background on Hirth Splines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirth_joint The basic idea of a Hirth spline / Hirth Joint is that the whole geometry is defined from a combination of a single reference point and a grinding/cutting geometry. Two Hirth splines with the same basic tooth geometry will match to form a secure joint that can transfer torque and allows for accurate alignment of parts. Hirth splines and joints are often used in turbomachinery to accurately align various shaft parts and transfer torque.

Fundamentals of the theory of industrial dust protection with bag filters

24 0 Beginner
The oldest cleaning method for bag filters (still used in mobile filters these days) consists of motorised or manual jolting equipment. With automatic regeneration, a motor is started, either at certain intervals or when reaching a maximum filter resistance. This oscillates the filter element. During the resulting movement, the deposited dust cake detaches from the filter surface and drops down into a dust collector, which is usually cleaned via dust dischargers. Mechanical cleaning is performed after interruption of the filtration. The filter bags are stressed mechanically through shaking during the cleaning operation and therefore have relatively short service lives. The periodic reversal of the flow direction (backwashing filter) is a much gentler cleaning method. Here, the filter system features several separate chambers which are cleaned individually. A combination of both cleaning methods was also often realised. For the last decades, however, the jet pulse method has become the standard cleaning method. The filter media are regenerated through cyclic, intense blasts of compressed air. This briefly causes overpressure in the filter bag during cleaning. The filter bags are briefly inflated, the flow direction is reversed and the filter cake detached (fig. 1). A supporting cage gives the bag the required stability during the filtration phase. Among other things, the cleaning cycles depend on the filter load (volume flow per filter surface and unit of time), the gas density, the raw gas charge and the particle attributes. The regeneration can be controlled in time intervals or via defined differential filter pressures.

Excel Calculator for Motor & Gear Box Selection Conveyor Calculations

20 2 Intermediate
In this video you will learn how to select motor & gear Box for a Chain Conveyor. Also a excel calculator is provided for understanding. Sheet will be as below link http://bit.ly/2LtKWe3

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 1

20 2 Expert
La creatividad es un concepto complejo, actualmente investigado con diferentes enfoques que iniciaron en la psicología y se extendieron a diversos campos. Este tutorial pretende mostrar algunos de sus mecanismos, con los cuales quizás muchos se sientan identificados, para mejorar nuestras prácticas de diseño. No se trata de incrementar esta capacidad (ojalá se pudiera) sino de conocer algo de ella para, al menos, no bloquearla u obstaculizarla sin darnos cuenta.

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 3

18 0 Expert
(Gracias GREG PIOL!) Una forma interesante de estudiar la creatividad es observar procesos creativos con los que uno esté familiarizado. La introspección es lo tenemos más a la mano y la observación de otras personas que hacen tareas similares (como nuestros colegas que diseñan y publican en GC) es ideal. Pero requiere la colaboración de esos actores porque no solo queremos ver sus obras finales, sino tratar de entender desde dónde y cómo llegaron a ellas... y esto no es fácil de lograr. De allí mi agradecimiento a nuestro colega Greg Piol (https://grabcad.com/greg--32) que tuvo la enorme gentileza de proveerme algo del material de partida para sus maravillosos diseños: sus bocetos!

Introduction to Finite Element Method /CAE

16 0 Beginner
Finite Element Method for product design and process improvement.

Creatividad en ingeniería - Parte 2

16 5 Expert
Otra arista compleja y polémica de la creatividad es su evaluación. Existen muchas propuestas plasmadas en test que intentan medir la creatividad, pero muchos expertos afirman que será difícil tener un acuerdo sobre la medición de un concepto que aún no está bien definido. De todas formas, y hasta que ese momento llegue, implementamos en el aula de una asignatura de ingeniería mecánica un test sencillo que trata de rescatar el espíritu del mejor método actual de evaluación creativa "la Técnica de Evaluación Consensuada (propuesta por Teresa de Amabile en 1982)" y adaptarlo para su uso regular en la enseñanza del diseño mecánico.

Keyshot Animation Tutorial Using Simple Model Of High Bypass Turbojet Engine

15 2 Beginner
In this tutorial i have used keyshot software for animation purpose. I have used a 3D model of a High Bypass Turbojet Engine for denomsration. It took couple of hours to create the animation video that's why i have skipped that part from the video.

Creativity in engineering - Part 4 (English version)

15 0 Beginner
CPDC: Conceptual Postprocessing Divergent Convergent. This tutorial describes a relevant task within the conceptual engineering process that consists of post-processing the SSC (Spectrum of Solution Concepts) to understand and classify the solutions achieved, and deepen the learning of the problem. Its objective is to obtain new solutions, either by association of pre-existing ones, by the discovery of conceptual omissions or by a crisis of ideas and paradigms that induces the breaking of molds and the appearance of disruptive concepts. In order to properly contextualize this task, all the milestones of the conceptual stage are reviewed, highlighting the moment in which the CPDC is executed and glimpsing its relevance.